3 ways to maintain spiritual relationship
The beginning stages of falling in love are magical, new, and refreshing. Everything else in life seems to stop as you move through love. It feels as though you’ve found the one who knows your soul inside and out, and this brings a fresh spark to life. As the years pass, however, this new feeling seems to dissipate like steam from hot water. You start to wonder if it was all in your imagination, if the love was real. In most cases, it was very real. Problems arise when you stop adding more water to that boiling pot or when the boil starts to fizzle out.
Nourishment, in every aspect, provides the soul with fulfillment and feeds that feeling of love. In the beginning of a relationship this happens almost involuntarily as you and your beloved bask in the glory of each other. You feel, interpret, and process the spiritual aspects of each other without much consideration. Unless engaged in a relationship that places a particular focus on spirituality, you probably won’t deal with this aspect of the relationship often or mutually moving forward.
As life settles back in and the initial high wears off, it becomes more difficult to maintain the vitality of your relationship. The world didn’t stop when you fell in love; love just became the focus. When that focus settles back on the day to day, you need to work harder to honor your relationship. To find the right balance of romance, spirituality, respect, trust, and unity add these simple behaviors into your routine.
t’s important to recognize the common interests of your relationship, and in the process, to find yourselves in each other. Cultivate your common life focuses and learn to see yourselves as a unit with a shared consciousness or common identity. Your shared focuses can be the well-being of the family, a mutual business or career, or common goals. Ask yourselves a few simple questions to help explore this concept.
- What aspects of life are most important?
- What are your common goals and interests?
- What activities did you enjoy when life was just about sharing time with each other?
Use these and similar questions to unite in common activities and goals. Make sure that time and energy is regularly given to these aspects of your relationship. It can be hard to make time for this but give whatever you can, and commit to it together. You may discover a sustainable, rewarding, and exciting force, a force that leads toward self-discovery and a more meaningful relationship.
Maintaining the unity and love of a relationship can be difficult over time. In addition to daily life, people grow and change with time, creating other challenges. However, if you’ve found someone who is worth the commitment and effort to grow your love, then building a better spiritual union can be very rewarding.
There is a love that goes beyond mere romance, yet enlivens romance all the same. Use these techniques to discover the spiritual domain of your love. If you do not have someone in your life, then use this awareness when entering into a new relationship. By placing attention on these aspects of your relationship, you can reap the benefits of the spirit in love for years to come.
Regarding guru’s, saints and sages, being able to detach from life allows them to draw deep spiritual insights which are helpful and necessary for our spiritual growth. However, most of us don’t have luxury of withdrawing from life to do so. And, as Rajneesh points out, it is healthier to stay connected to this world:
“To me, “this” plus “that” is God. That’s why I say very contradictory things. I would like to give you two things: roots into this earth, into all that is earthly, and wings into that heaven, into all that is abstract for you now, into all that you cannot even comprehend, that cannot be conceptualized. Roots into the finite, wings into the infinite… And you need not renounce “this.” If you renounce “this,” you are renouncing your roots. That has happened; that is why your monks, your sadhus, look so dead. They have renounced “this;” they are uprooted beings. Uproot a tree and you are exposing the part that was hidden in the earth. Soon the flowers will die, the branches will die, the leaves will start falling”.