Best Brain hacks you know!!!
3 min readJul 8, 2022
- If you didn’t have enough sleep last night, start the day off with a cold shower. A cold shower can increase endorphins (or feel-good hormones) in the brain. Endorphins can help reduce stress, sadness, and anxiety symptoms. Cold water can also reduce cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone, boost your immune system, and put your mental faculties in high alert.
- When attending an early or mid-morning appointment or interview, don’t eat breakfast. This is the time your digestive system is at its peak, therefore eating breakfast is like shooting yourself in the foot. Your mind will be dull, and your concentration and alert level will be at their lowest.
- Our neural pathways are hard-wired from our past experiences, interactions with people we have trusted and been close with, and people who have taught us, such as our parents and teachers. These neural pathways usually shape our belief-systems, ideologies, and philosophies, until we come into contact with new people who impart new information, which we think to be more true. Afterwards, we often give up everything we know and embrace the new information allowing it to dictate our beliefs, ideologies, and perceptions of life.
- During crucial moments when important decisions are need, the worst thing you can do is to make important decisions under the influence of anger. This is because your brain serotonin levels have dropped to almost zero level. If you want to quickly recover out of anger, excuse yourself for a moment, take a deep breathe, and take a walk to a lonely place, despite all the pressure. Think of instances in your life when you experienced great joy and moments of happiness, even when you were young. This will help restore your serotonin levels which will increase your happiness. More importantly, it will restore your calmness to normal.
- Changing your circumstances by changing your brain may not be anything new to you. What may be new to you is that circumstances actually shape your brain structure, including your brain programming. You are where you are because your brain has been conditioned to believe you’re Ok, or your brain is comfortable with it, but if for some reason, you start feeling uncomfortable, your brain goes into ‘survival mode’ to warn you it’s time to move on in order to survive. Many may not know this, but you can actually induce ‘survival mode’ in order to advance in life.
- The greatest brain hack is the gift of discernment, which everybody has, but hardly uses. We like to call it “the sixth sense”. We use it to discern when someone is stalking us, when someone is looking at us behind our backs, and it warns us when there’s danger. Shockingly, discernment is the least respected gift, and the least understood, because we never pause to listen to ourselves. Other animals overtake us in this regard because they use discernment all their lives.
- Strongly believing that we can achieve something, has the profound effect of influencing our habits and pattern of thought. These habits can then exert a powerful influence on our belief-system to the point we can actually see, smell, taste, feel, touch, and experience that imagination as though it were our reality. The truth, however, is that the sub-conscious brain doesn’t know how to distinguish the imagination from the reality.