Coordinating Importance

11 min readAug 3, 2022


Why do we need confidence? To boldly and determinedly conquer out place in the sun. Pendulums have imposed one sacrosanct postulate which sounds: there is no such thing as a free lunch; if you want to achieve something you have to fight for it, insist, demand, outstrip your rivals and elbow your way forwards, but in order to act boldly and decisively you have to have confidence. As you know, the path of battle and rivalry is not the only way. If you reject the pendulum’s scenario you can calmly take what is yours without having to put pressure on, without having to fight but simply by finding the will to have. Freedom of choice represents a pernicious threat to pendulums. If everyone were to claim what was rightfully theirs without fighting for it, without spending energy creating obstacles and then overcoming them the pendulums would be left with nothing. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to imagine the world without pendulums the false stereotypes and beliefs they create are not as hard and fast as the laws of motion for example. Awareness and intention enable you to ignore the pendulum’s game and claim what is yours without having to fight for it. When there is freedom without struggle there is no need for confidence. Confidence has only one origin–importance. Confidence represents the same potential as insecurity. It is just the opposite polarity of the same quality and both polarities are rooted in dependency on external factors and circumstances. The following metaphor describes the nature of this dependency. The pendulum leads a person along a path like a puppet on a string. The person does not believe that they can choose their own path or even walk independently. If the strings are kept even the person walks with confidence like a child holding onto its mother’s hand but as soon as the strings relax and give some slack or start to jerk about the person feels insecure and tries to tighten the strings. It is not that the pendulum is holding onto the person tightly, it is that the person will not let go of the strings of importance. They are afraid to let go because they are under the power of dependency which creates the illusion of support and confidence. In the end, the child will let go of its mother’s hand and walk on its own and the mother will encourage the child to do so. Pendulums, on the other hand, will try to convince the person that they will not be able to choose their own path by themselves or walk without the support of the strings. If the person were to shake off the delusion and let go of the strings of importance they would find that they were able to walk freely wherever they wished and simply choose their goal without having to fight for it. Once a person has their freedom they no longer need confidence and the illusion of support that it creates. All they really need is coordination to stop them from falling. Of course they have become used to the stability and support they received when they were under the pendulum’s power and holding on to the strings of importance. However, when they were giving their energy away to the pendulums they would constantly disturb the balance and end up dangling helplessly at the end of their pseudo safety ropes. If a person could let go of the strings, all they would have to do to maintain their balance would be to avoid creating importance and excess potential. Confidence as a support would no longer be necessary, because where there is no importance, there is nothing to guard or conquer. There is nothing to fear or be anxious about. As long as I do not attribute excessive meaning to anything, the layer of my world will not be distorted by excess potentials. Instead I abandon the struggle and go with the flow. I am empty and so there is nothing that can be hooked into although this does not mean that I am hanging suspended in a vacuum. Finally, if I want it, the freedom of choice is mine. There is no need to struggle anymore. I just calmly walk my path and take what is mine. Unlike shaky confidence this is a new state of conscious, composed coordination. Where does the feeling of peace come from? The feeling of inner calm comes from not creating inner importance and so having nothing to prove. When you carry the belief that you are an important person the desire arises to prove it to others and excess potential is created. Then, balanced forces will do all they can to demystify the myth of your importance, repeatedly creating conditions designed to test your confidence to the limit. The slightest pang of inferiority prompts a person into struggling to raise and assert their sense of worth. Let go of the need to prove anything to yourself or others and just accept whatever you needed to prove as a fundamental truth. You can spend your whole life battling to prove your worth and yet the moment you let go of the battle you acquire it. A feeling of insecurity is intrinsically the same as low self-esteem, so how can you improve your self-esteem? You probably think that I am now going to try and make you believe that you are much better than you give yourself credit for. This is what many psychologists do without a second thought. It is true, that the opinion others have of us is directly proportional to our own opinion of ourselves as long as it does not border on arrogance. The moment you acknowledge your true value, free of any self-deception, others will agree with you. The only problem is that it is not that easy to convince yourself of your own true worth. Try it. If you suffer from low self-esteem you will not succeed in persuading yourself of the opposite. However much you try and convince yourself of your own true worth you will never quite be able to believe that you are special. Thoughts will creep in along the lines of: “So where are they then, these special qualities of mine? I can see the shortcomings. They are obvious”. So I am not going to urge you to believe in your special qualities and raise your self-esteem because I know that it would either make you smug and overconfident or shove you deeper into despair. My advice would be to abandon the struggle for worth altogether. Do not try to believe or convince yourself of your own value. Simply let go of the battle and observe what happens: the people around you will start treating you with more respect as if they valued you more highly. As soon as you appreciate the fact of their attitude the need to convince yourself or try to believe in something will fall away and you will simply know. It is a paradox but it works every time. The battle for self-worth drains your free energy and channels it into the battle with the alternatives flow and the creation of excess potentials that drums up the winds of balanced forces. Together all these circumstances create a tangled ball of problems fraught with all sorts of negative consequences. You cannot untangle the ball. Just abandon the struggle for self-worth and you will be surprised and delighted with the result. Your sense of self-worth will grow before your very eyes and your selfesteem will be enhanced, and in turn, the people around you will affirm your new sense of self. It is as pointless to try and deny or stamp out feelings of guilt as it is to artificially raise your self-esteem. If you have a disposition to feel guilt you will never be able to stifle or banish the feelings of guilt you experience. So what can do you? The same thing as with low self-esteem: stop justifying yourself to others. Only ever justify yourself when it is absolutely necessary to explain your actions. Remember, no-one has the right to judge you, whatever you have done, as long as you have not harmed anyone else. Do not take the blame publicly and do not justify your actions. Let the manipulators fall through the emptiness. Resisting the temptation to slam the door behind you, silently leave the court room where people gather to profit from the guilt feelings of others. Give them nothing. If you have quite a deep guilt complex then initially it will not hurt to put the lid on your conscience for a while. Do not invite others to judge your self-worth. Only by taking this attitude and not by means of inner battle will you rid your conscience of feelings of guilt. You will see how guilt just disappears into thin air. Having abandoned the battle for self-worth and given up justifying yourself you will have settled the score with a significant portion of inner importance as feelings of guilt and low self-worth are the predominant manifestations of inner importance. All other types of excess potential are derivative of these two. You will no longer feel the need for protection as there is no longer anything to protect. Neither will you need to pounce on others to pre-empt their attack. There is a saying that goes: “Do not frighten anyone, and you will have nothing to fear”. By the same token, if you reduce the importance of external factors they will cease to reign over you with their pre-eminence. The two most oppressive kinds of outer importance are fear of the unknown and feeling overwhelmed by challenges. Both generate the dismal potential of panic and stress. Everyone is always concerned about something. People who are insecure prefer to bow under the weight of their problems somehow dragging their burden along with them. Strong personalities strive to overcome their difficulties with force and decisiveness. They take the fortress by storm penetrating its walls with the excess potential of overt confidence. Insecurity like confidence requires energy. In the case of insecurity the energy mainly goes into panic and anxiety and in the case of confidence the energy goes into overcoming obstacles. These are fairly elaborate methods of interacting with the outside world. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. As soon as you consciously reduce outer importance and abandon fighting against the alternatives flow, the obstacles you perceive will be cleared from your path. Do you really think you would you need confidence? No, all you need now is good coordination to move with the flow and consciously control, not the script, but your importance levels. Energy that was previously channelled into maintaining all sorts of excess potential now goes on supporting the balance and just slightly helping the flow along with the oar of purified intention. Of course, you cannot ever totally stop attributing meaning to things in life, how ever hard you might try, so do not fight to negate importance; just release the grip and transform the energy of anxiety into the energy of action. Begin the process of doing in any way you can, without insistence or pressure. The energy of excess potential will disperse through action releasing the energy of intention and with that, complex problems will be transformed into minor ones. As far as fear of the unknown is concerned neither blind faith, nor auto- suggestion, nor false confidence will help you deal with it effectively. You may remember that I advised not thinking about the means to achieving your goal. You will never force yourself to believe in the possibility of a distant goal or total one hundred percent success, so abandon futile attempts to do so, as your faith will come to nothing and temporary bursts of confidence quickly fade. You do not need confidence or faith. You need coordination. Coordination means: taking pleasure in thinking about the goal as if it had already been reached; letting go of the grip of control over the script and going with the alternatives flow, helping it along with the oar of pure intention. This is totally different to blind faith in success. Where there is faith, particularly blind faith, there is always room for doubt. It is the forced potential of importance that blinds. When you go with the flow in conscious awareness everything falls into place without excessive effort. When you act in accordance with coordination, what you previously wanted to believe in but could not because it frightened you with the unknown will soon appear from around a bend in the current. Doubts disappear when the mind is confronted with fact. Then faith is transformed into knowledge and fear of the unknown becomes satisfaction at the feeling of your own strength. The most important thing is to reduce importance and let go of controlling the script. It is also important to remember that you decide the level of complexity a challenge represents and that adjustments to the script will play in your favour if you let them. Finally, absolute coordination is achieved as a result of harmony between heart and mind. If on a conscious level you are certain of what you want but a worm of doubt or glimpse of depression sits in your subconscious, coordination remain an elusive quality. Harmony of heart and mind is achieved by listening to the whisperings of the heart and living true to your own credo. A lot has already been said about how and why to listen to the voice of the heart. All I will add here is that living according to your own credo means loving yourself, accepting yourself the way you are, not suffering from pangs of conscience or guilt and firmly acting according to the dictates of the heart and mind. Efforts to live true to your personal credo fall apart when self-esteem suffers and conflict arises between the heart and mind. It is as you know a wonderful thing to be able to live according to your true values and beliefs. It is even more wonderful to know that you do not have to create your credo, change it or battle with it, although many people do, chipping away at their own credo as if it were literally a statue in marble. Titivating your credo will not bring you anything but fruitless soul searching, spiritual torment and self-doubt. Your personal credo cannot be shaped or drummed up as a result of struggle or other wilful effort. You already have a credo, it is just that, like the heart it gets sealed up in the box of importance. As soon as you let go of inner and outer importance you will immediately sense that your credo has been freed. When importance is at zero, you have nothing to protect or conquer. You simply live in accordance with it and calmly take what is yours. By abandoning the battle for self-worth, not inviting others to judge your worth and reducing outer importance you finally acquire what is normally considered to be true confidence. This type of confidence is not the frail confidence built on excess potential but a calm inner strength — coordination. True, calm coordination does not relate to anything external and so it requires neither confirmation nor proof. No doubt you have seen characters in films whose confidence is beyond question. True, calm self-confidence can only come from inner self-sufficiency and the integrity of wholeness. You do not compare yourself to anyone; you are simply in a state of total balance. This kind of balance is achieved when there is unity of heart and mind; when there is no feeling of guilt, dependency, superiority, obligation, fear or stress; in other words, when you do not disturb the balance inside yourself or in the world around you. Live in harmony with the outside world, yourself and your credo. This is the ideal we should strive towards in order to have complete confidence, that is, coordination. Achieved by any other means confidence can only be artificial. Coordination grants you freedom from pendulums allowing you to move independently in whatever direction you wish to claim whatever you desire. If at the present time you have to fulfil tiresome obligations, detach yourself and imagine that you are being filmed for a movie. Hang on, for you will have to play your role to the end, at least until the end of the current series until you walk through the right door. Practice visualising your target slide without thinking about the means and wait for outer intention to open the door to you.



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