Does People’s Energy Affect You
Confidence is a direct result of learning to know yourself. The more you know yourself, the more confident you will become.
When you interact with others, you sense and respond to their energies, the same as they respond to yours. We do not usually talk about this unseen, subtle communication, but everyone does it.
Why do you get certain feelings from some people and different feelings from others? You “pick up on their vibes,” as people used to say in the 1970s. In other words, your energy body has the power to perceive a lot about someone else’s. You know instantly when someone makes you feel comfortable, nervous, warm, or repelled. Likewise, if you feel nervous and uncomfortable around certain people, they instinctively know it. Consider the primal reaction of a dog when it senses anger, danger, fear, or bad intentions. Dogs are energy-sensitive. We have those same instincts. They may not be canine-sharp, but we clearly sense fear and anger in others, and they sense it in us. You do not need to speak in order for others to detect that you are feeling insecure.
Scientists now know that human beings, as well as everything else in our world, are composed of specifically arranged amalgamations of vibrating electrical energy that we perceive as physicality. The electrical body that vibrates within, through, and around us can even be seen with special equipment. We are composed entirely of energy, regardless of whether we can see or feel it. If we were able to see our flesh down at the most minute level, we would see only whirling units of energy, nothing that we consider physical at all.
The dawning knowledge of this truth allowed us to dev
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