How to get rid of problems

3 min readFeb 26, 2022


During the course of the last few articles, we have been describing the value and power
imagination and how to project ourselves in the moment that we wish to be in. Our mind
has this unique ability to channelize and filter thoughts and lead us to shape our present
and the near visible future. Our own projections; either problems or a solution to the
problem, lead us to live the lives that we continue to live. So, can this be said that the life
and situation that we are in, is an inconsequential creation of our own doing?

The answer to this lies within the question itself. The moment we shift our perspective, we
can dial in or fade out any problem and find an amicable solution to an emotional or
psychological problem. Most issues in life arise out of mis-handling or not processing
information as per the required manifest. Life as any other aspect of being is a mere
creation of our own beliefs and projections. Life as we know and live is the way that we
have made it to be.

The power of thought; as a source of energy has been shaping the human conscious since
the beginning to time and the vice-versa is also true. Our mind has been populating the
visible universe in more ways than one. The physical universe that we inhabit, is a creation
of nothing else, but the imagination and perseverance of many degrees of consciousness.
People have been living on this planet since even before us and has shaped the future that
we inherited. Count this as blessing and you will begin to see the connection. Problems and
solutions have always co-existed and will continue to do so. The key to this lies only with us.
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are”.


Blessings have a unique way of manifesting. It’s been said that if we feel the right emotion
for even the most barren arid land, it can soon begin to bear fruit just by the power of
emotion and imagination. Blessings far supersede and other emotion that one feels or
relays. The teaching that our words can either bless or curse is thousands of years old. This
teaching is part of all spiritual traditions. Through our thoughts and words, we can bless
ourselves and others. In our culture we tend to use a lot of words and we are entrained with
different idiomatic phrases that we grew up with or heard through songs, the news, TV
shows, etc. We don’t always reflect on the impact that these words and phrases have.
I know so many people who are afraid to tell friends or loved ones about a new idea they
have or a new project they are thinking about undertaking. For often when we share
something that is considered “edgy” by others their immediate response is, “You are crazy”
or “That will never work.” When we respond in this way, we usually really don’t consider the
excitement of the other person in following their passion. And we end up taking power from
their dream instead of feeding the energy with adding our support and enthusiasm. Often
people feel “shot down” by other’s responses and this can end up cursing those we love and
want to support.

This month, slow down and listen to your words and the words of others. Reflect on words
and phrases you want to begin to delete from your thinking and your vocabulary. Reflect on
phrases that will lead to your desired outcome.

We use the term “train of thought” on a regular basis. Take a minute to reflect on what this
term even means. We must watch the track our thoughts and words are running on and
learn to change the track by creating new tracks. With all building projects it takes a lot of
energy to break new ground. But the rewards are great in learning how to focus your
thoughts toward your desired outcomes. And this goes back to the words you use in your
own thinking process as well as the words you state out loud.



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