Increase your energy levels

9 min readAug 1, 2022


Increasing your energy levels does not involve accumulating large reserves of energy. This might sound a little strange because we are so used to popular phrases such as: “I do not have enough energy” or “I am full of energy”. Only physiological energy can be stored. All you have to do is eat good food and get enough rest and the energy is stored as calories. However, the human body has no way of storing free energy which is takes from the Cosmos. If a person’s meridians are wide enough they will run free energy but if they are narrow, the flow of energy will be impaired. So, high energy levels first and foremost depend on the width of the meridians. Free energy is permanently present in a limitless quantity at every point of the field. You can literally take as much as you can carry. You have to learn to draw in free energy and experience yourself as part of the universe, and rather than doing it once you should work to establish a continuous feeling of oneness with the world around you on an energetic level. People think that if they build up huge energy reserves they will become strong and successful. They try and accumulate energy as a way of preparing to impact the outside world with inner intention. As you already know, the attempt to alter or conquer the world by force is a difficult, fruitless, ineffective task that requires a huge expenditure of energy. Anyone who relies solely on inner intention in their interaction with the world thinks too highly of themselves, for in reality, we are all just a single drop in a massive ocean. Outer intention does not try to change the world or fight it. Outer intention simply chooses what it needs from life. In the “alternatives space shop” outer intention does not need to haggle for goods or wrangle them out of the shop assistant. You do not have to build up energy to work with outer intention because it is superabundant and all-present. We are practically swimming in it. To focus on deliberately accumulating energy is like swimming in a lake and filling your cheeks to keep some water in reserve just in case the lake water runs out. Do not try to accumulate energy; just allow it to pass freely through you in the form of two counter directional currents. It can be helpful to imagine these two currents joining in counter directional fountains, but that is all you need to do. Do not strive to become a bundle of energy; rather, imagine yourself to be a drop in the ocean. Allow your consciousness to feel that it is an integral part of the Universe, in oneness with it and then its entire energy will be at your disposal. Rather than accumulating energy in your body, merge with the energy of the universe. Expand your sphere of energy and dissolve it into the space around retaining the awareness that in form you are a separate particle. Then, by just touching on outer intention with your little finger you will achieve in a short period of time things that would never have been possible to achieve with the power of inner intention. I am talking of course about achieving your personal goals, not the intention to rearrange someone’s face; for one’s immediate needs can only really be met by the power of inner intention. A person should have plenty of free energy if their meridians are not restricted. The meridians suffer two major limitations: the body getting clogged up, and continual stress. Energy cannot flow freely if the body is toxic and stress causes the meridians to narrow even further. When the meridians are compromised short bursts of energy are usually followed by long periods of recovery. This makes it difficult for a person to live a full active life, instead of just eking out a measured existence. As a person gets older they stop developing; life takes on a slower rhythm. Work with the meridians all but comes to a halt and the meridians gradually atrophy. The meridians are worked at times when life requires you to power intention to its highest level of intensity. We stimulate intention and consequently our meridians when we work towards vital goals, but as soon as the main peaks have been taken, the bar of intention is gradually lowered. The time comes when all you want to do in the evenings (and perhaps during the day too) is to sink into an armchair in front of the television. The meridians narrow, the energy of intention fades and life becomes a burden not a joy. Fortunately, this can all be easily put to rights in a way that does not involve forcing your intention to conquer new peaks. Meridians can be developed by doing energy exercises. The positive effect will be compounded the more that you tune in to the feeling of your central energy currents and subtle body. This condition has a number of advantages. It helps induce a feeling of balance and harmony with the world; it increases your sensitivity to changes in the environment and enables you to easily go with the flow; it plugs you into the information field, an unlimited source of creativity; it gives you access to the energy of the cosmos; you radiate harmonious energy, which creates an oasis of prosperity and success around you. Most importantly, it keeps you functioning at the meeting point between heart and mind, bringing you closer to outer intention. Your ability to direct outer intention develops which means that your desires are met more quickly and more easily. You can begin the process of change by turning on the energy fountains from time to time during the day and trying to strengthen them by picturing them in your mind, without trying too hard. If during the exercise your head begins to feel heavy it means the ascending flow is stronger than the descending current. Focus your attention on the descending current and strengthen it slightly. The energy currents have to be balanced so that they meet half way up the body. From this point in the body mentally picture the currents radiating throughout the energy sphere and your sense of the subtle body should become clearer. You should experience an integral feeling of the ascending and descending currents together with a sense of your entire energy body. If you concentrate your attention on the descending current your energy centre will shift downwards and vice versa; if you concentrate on the ascending current your energy will accumulate in the upper part of the body. Aside from this, your physical centre of gravity will shift in accordance with your energy centre. You can use this quality to your advantage in sport. If you require good stability in the legs such as in skiing you can strengthen the descending current, whereas if you need to jump high you can work on strengthening the ascending current. Martial arts masters have a good understanding of the quality of energy currents in the body. There are other types of energy masters who can stay so firmly fixed to a certain spot when they are concentrating on the descending current that it is impossible to move them. And likewise, there are energy masters who can concentrate on the ascending current and jump to unimaginable heights. You can practice paying attention to the central meridians when doing any kind of physical exercise. Just do not try too hard. Being overly diligent never pays off. From time to time turn your inner sight to the area just in front of the spine. Imagine the ascending current rising and the descending current moving downwards. If you regularly practice running your central meridians you will gradually develop the skill of feeling them. It might seem as if some movements are totally at odds with how you are visualising your energy. Be patient. With time you will learn to easily correlate any movement with a sense of your energy flow. Concentrating your attention on the central meridians during weight training can significantly increase your energy levels. During the exertion stage of a lift focus your attention on the muscles. Then when you make the opposite movement and the muscles relax shift your attention to the central meridians. The moment of relaxing the muscles should be held for one or two seconds to give sufficient time to feel the movement of energy. Take pulling on the bar as an example. At the start of the lift the breath is held, then the lift is completed and followed by an out-breath. Attention is focused on the exertion. Then on the return there is an in-breath, the muscles relax and attention shifts to the central meridians. During the return imagine your energy moving simultaneously in both directions. You should fully extend the arms and hang with arms relaxed for one to two seconds. At this point you should clearly sense the flow of energy as if it had been suddenly freed and was gradually beginning to move. Do not try to quicken the flow of energy when the muscles are relaxed. Let go and allow the currents to pass freely. In contrast, the central meridians can be pushed with force when doing press ups. Once you have positioned your hands on the floor with your elbows bent, on the out-breath mentally picture pushing the energy hard. Do the in-breath and out-breath in any order you feel comfortable with to avoid creating unnecessary tension but as in the majority of strength-building exercises the breath is held or the out-breath is made at the exertion stage and an in-breath at the relaxed stage. You stimulate the strengthening of the meridians just by giving them your attention. Alternate contraction and relaxation will stimulate them still further if you direct your attention properly. At the stage of contraction the meridians stop and tighten like springs. During relaxation the springs straighten and the power of the energy flow increases. After contraction accumulated, compressed energy is released and literally forces its way through the central meridians. Increasing your energy levels not only gives you more vitality, it increases your power of influence. The quality of your energy becomes richer which can be very useful when you need to influence or persuade someone of something. Techniques exist that enable a person to exert dominant energetic influence over others. However, these techniques contradict the principle of Transurfing which asserts that we have the right to choose nut not the right to change things. The world does not need to be pressured or fought and taking this approach is a highly ineffective way of achieving your goals. As you know, the world usually responds to being pressured by pressuring in return. The higher your energy levels the better people will treat you because subconsciously they will sense your energy and even to some extent benefit from it. However, the majority of people do not feed on personal energy deliberately like pendulums do. It is as if they simply swimming in your energy because your ‘fountains’ are abundantly overflowing. People inevitably become well-disposed towards you because you are providing them with a source of excess energy. People are so used to giving their energy away to pendulums that they are always delighted to be on the receiving end. So-called magnetic or charismatic personalities are one such source. It is hardly surprising said people like this are said to have an inexplicable charm or magnetism. What would you find more attractive, a pool of stagnating water or a pure spring? There is no need to worry that other people are using your energy. The small quantity of excess energy you give away to others will only work in your favour. When you are waiting for a very important meeting, abandon importance and activate your central meridians until they are flowing in fountains. When your energy is running well, you do not need half as many clever words and convincing arguments. Simply turn on the fountains. By drawing free energy towards you and letting it pass through your energy body you make the same energy available to others. They will be able to feel it on a subconscious level and without being aware of the reason they will feel well-disposed towards you. The secret of your charm will be a mystery to them.



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