Law of Bad Luck

8 min readAug 7, 2022


In order to learn how to control reality you must at the very least understand how reality is created. Every individual is the direct creator of the layer of their own world but the majority of people do not understand how this process works. People try to make everything “the way I want it to be” and they apply this straightforward principle to the outside world. “I will go in the direction I turn”, “It will cave in where I press it”. But for some reason the world does not want to obey, and when you turn one way, you find yourself going in the opposite direction. It makes you wonder. If reality behaves so strangely perhaps our attempts to shape it require a different approach? Maybe reality dos not work according to the laws we thought. But people do not want to stop and look around and ask themselves these questions. Instead they stubbornly insist on having things their own way. As a result of this stubborn kind of ‘creativity’ the person’s individual layer is created in which nothing is “the way I want it to be”. Reality seems strange, capricious and hard-line. Sometimes you get the feeling that the world is doing it on purpose, to spite you. It is as if problems and unwanted events are drawn to you by some inexplicable force. Our fears are realised and our worst expectations justified. We are relentlessly pursued by the things we are adverse to and wish to avoid. So why is this? In the beginner’s Transurfing course we already talked about why you often you “get what you do not want”, particularly if the aversion is intense. When you hate or fear something with all your heart outer intention will deliver it to you in abundance. Thought energy that is born from unity of heart and mind embodies potential in reality. In other words, the sector of the alternatives space that corresponds to the qualities of your thought energy will be streamed into physical reality if the feelings of the heart are one with the thoughts of the mind. However, this is not the only reason that our worst expectations are realised. Life should be free of problems. That is the norm. If you do not disturb the balance and go with the alternatives flow everything should unfold very smoothly. Nature does not like wasting energy and has no intention of spending it on plotting against us. Unwanted circumstances and events occur as a result of the distortion that excess potential creates in the surrounding energy field, while dependent relationships exacerbate the situation even further. Excess potential appears when excessive meaning is attributed to a particular quality. Dependent relationships are created when people begin to compare and contrast themselves with others and place conditions upon a relationship such as “if you are going to be like that, then I am going to be like this”. The excess potential that is created when a distorted evaluation is made will have no grievous effect whilst it stands relative only to itself. However, as soon as an inflated evaluation of a given object is placed in comparative relationship with another, polarisation occurs which generates the winds of balanced forces. Balanced forces strive to eliminate the polarisation that has occurred and for the most part their action is aimed against the individual who created the polarisation in the first place. The following are examples of non-relative potentials: I love you; I love myself; I hate you; I do not like myself: I am a good person; you are a bad person. These evaluations are self-contained because they are not based on comparison or contradistinction. The following however, are examples of potentials based on dependent relationships: I love you on the condition that you love me; I love myself because I am greater than the rest of you; you are a bad person because I am a better person than you are; I am a good person because you are a bad person; I do not like myself because I am less attractive than others; I am repulsed by you because you are not the same as me. There is a huge difference between the first and second group of evaluations. Evaluations based on the principle of comparison generate polarisation. Balanced forces eliminate the heterogeneity by bringing the opposite values together just as the opposite poles of two magnets are drawn towards each other. This is why problems, as if deliberately, push their way so importunately and into our lives For example, married couples are often made up of two personalities that seem totally incompatible as if they were a punishment the other must bear. In various types of groups there will only be at least one person who will make your life difficult. Murphy’s or as we call it, Sod’s law is of the same nature. And putting up with nasty neighbours seems to be an essential condition of any form of close habitation. The example of nuisance neighbours is a perfect illustration of the polarisation effect. This issue, despite its seemingly mundane nature, is directly related to the field of metaphysics. The problem is that some people prevent others from getting on with their lives. But why? Because wherever you are there will always be ‘bad’ old women and old men who will not leave other ‘good’ people in peace? So should we conclude, that people really can be discriminated into two groups? And yet if you were to carry out a survey asking people which group they thought they belonged to only a small handful would acknowledge themselves as belonging to the ‘bad’ group. On the whole, your neighbours are just like you. The tendency to discriminate is created by the wind of balanced forced that blows in the direction of your aversion. The direction the wind takes is determined by that same old principle–‘sod’s law: you will experience anything you do not like. Some may protest; “It is has nothing to do with balances forces. Some people just have no conscience. There is no point in philosophising about it”. I will prove to you now that there is more to these situations than convoluted speculation. Let us suppose that your neighbours are annoying you. Do you annoy them too? Probably not but why? “Because they are this and they are that, bad basically, and we are like we are”, you will say. And yet there are no good and bad people. Any judgement is relative because it is generated by comparison and contradistinction. So why is it then, that you do not annoy your neighbours? My answer may surprise you: The reason you do not annoy your neighbours is because they could not care less about you. “Exactly”, you will say, “because they are bad people and have no shame.” With this attitude to your neighbours you switch on polarisation, like an electromagnet which will draw to you ever more problems related to your neighbours. To them it will all be water off a duck’s back because you are of no interest to them whatsoever. It does not occur to them to look at you and make comparative discriminations, i.e. enter into a dependent relationship with you. It is in this sense that they could not care less about you. They do not attach any importance to you or allow you to enter the layer of their world and as a result they have no suffering they connect with you. Your neighbours experience no polarisation in relationship to you whilst they are busy with their own lives and pay you no attention. And yet if they were to attach importance to your neighbourly existence begin comparing themselves to you it would be instantly apparent that you are not like they are. If this were to trouble them or touch a raw nerve in any way then you would undoubtedly start annoying them and you would cease to be a good neighbour and be transformed into a bad neighbour. The situation will develop even more unexpectedly. You will begin to create the kind of problems for your neighbours that you would never have dreamed could possibly trouble anyone. You will begin to annoy your neighbours without being aware that you are doing so, just as they now have no awareness of the fact that they are annoying you. When sharing a house for example noise pollution is problem number one. The more you do dislike the noise, the more intensely it will pursue you despite the fact that peace and quiet is the ideal condition for cohabiting not only for you but for your neighbours also. Less energy is expended that way. Any disturbance of the peace and quiet is always an anomaly, and does not arise without a reason. So where does the energy originate? The noise your neighbours or flatmates make throws you off balance and you begin to quietly (or not so quietly) hate them for it. Your irritation serves as the source of the energy in the situation. A dependent relationship is created which in turn generates polarisation. Intense and aggressive feelings like “I hate these noisy neighbours” create a powerful magnet that draws ever new forms of irritating provocation towards you. New neighbours will move in next door who have a tendency for a noisy lifestyle and your old neighbours or flatmates will buy new sound equipment as if deliberately to taunt you. You should also be aware that your neighbours’ neighbours also contribute to the situation and if the common feeling in response to the noisy neighbours coincides the effect will be magnified. Of course, having nice neighbours depends on more than noise levels. It all depends on what kind of things you feel an aversion to. Hey might overwhelm you with their rubbish, suffocate you with unpleasant smells, cover the walls in the entrance hall with graffiti etc. An aversion to neighbours as a species may attract even more tangible consequences, such as a flood or even a fire. In any other situation this kind of law of bad luck works in the same way. An object or characteristic that is attributed particular meaning attracts objects with the opposite qualities. Meaning as we know is intensified via comparison and contradistinction. Where there is one magnetic pole the other will not be far away. Polarisation creates a magnet for problems and attracts everything that you feel an aversion to. Everything you find irritating will follow you. Everything that is highly undesirable happens. There is no mysticism in this. It is quite natural. Polarisation distorts the lay of the energy field and gives rise to whirlwinds of balanced forces as a result of which the reflection of reality is warped like a reflection given by a curved mirror. Few people understand that any deformity represents a consequence of balance being disturbed and so they try to battle with the outside world rather than trying to eliminate the polarisation effect. All you have to do is follow the main rule of Transurfing: be yourself and let others be themselves. You have to loosen your grip and give the world free reign. The more you insist on your own desires and rights the more powerfully the magnet attracts the opposite. Figuratively speaking it is as if you have grabbed the world by the throat and it is resisting, fighting to get free. It is futile to try and pressure a situation or insist on something. That just makes things worse. Instead, consciously change your relationship to the situation in accordance with the Transurfing rule. For example, try at least for a while to forget about your neighbours, stop judging them and pretend they simply do not exist. Say to yourself: “to hell with them!” Rid the layer of your world of neighbours. As soon as you are able to pull off the suction pad of your relationship, your neighbours’ polarisation will disappear and they will gradually cease to bother you. And if you manage to completely break the dependent relationship you might make room for something incomprehensible to happen; your toxic neighbours may just end up becoming your best friends!



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