When I separated from my husband after twenty years of marriage, I left only with what I had on. I didn’t even take my kids. Their father chose to stay with them. I had the certainty that I could go on alone and I was grateful and happy to have the opportunity to begin anew. On the other hand, at that stage of my life I had learned that happiness is not in the material things and that I did not need possessions. On the contrary, the less I had, the freer I would be. A friend suggested that we move together in order to find a nicer and bigger place. This seemed like a good idea, and that is how we found a beautiful townhouse. I never imagined that we would fulfill the requirements to rent it, but because we demonstrated that we had two incomes, we were approved. Two days before signing the lease, my friend called me and told me that she had changed her mind and that she was going to live in Arizona. I immediately called the real estate agent to ask that the contract be changed to my name, and I told her that I would make myself the responsible party. She had no problem doing this because she already knew me. Not long after signing the year long lease and moving into the house, I started getting work from everywhere and I soon realized that I could pay the rent without any problem and that I didn’t need to share my house with another person. Eight months after moving, the owner of the house called me and said that he wished to sell the property. He explained that since he knew I liked the house he wanted to give me priority, but that if I was not interested, I would have to be out of there in September. Of course I wanted to buy the property and stay there, but with what? I didn’t have money for the down payment, and since I’m an accountant, I knew very well that I did not have the necessary requisites to get a loan. My intellect was telling me to start packing, but something inside of me was saying that it was not the best option. In that moment I said to myself, “If God thinks this is the place for me, He will find me the loan, because I don’t know how to do it.” I knew that I needed to get out of the way and give permission. The best thing was to let go, trust, and hand over the matter to the universe. Two people who had told me that they might be able to help me to get the loan gave up the process. The lease expired and I did not get the loan, so I had to call the owner to tell him what was happening. I decided that instead of worrying about what I would say and what I would do to convince him, I would surrender to the situation with confidence and faith. And so I called him and explained everything to him, and surprisingly he answered, “Okay Mabel, in truth this is not the right time to put the property up for sale. I will extend the lease. Write an extension, fax it to me, and I will sign it.” In the end I didn’t even have to call the person who got me the loan. George called me to offer his help, and before the extension expired he got me the loan! Thanks George! When we stop attaching ourselves to the result and worrying about situations, when we abandon the need to have opinions and pass judgment, and when we become conscious that we don’t know anything and we surrender and accept the process of life, only then, can we experience the flow of life. Then everything will happen, and things will come to us in the easiest way. God has put us on earth with everything that we need. If we look around us we can see that everything created by God is infinite and abundant. Only human creations are scarce and limited. Birds fly untroubled knowing that they will find what they need to eat nearby, close to where they find them selves. Manifesting that which we desire requires much TRUST and CONFIDENCE. The universe only needs us to take that first step. If we trust and give our permission, everything that we need comes to us easily. The important thing is to know in our hearts (and not in our heads) that God will provide, and to trust one hundred percent. When we think that we are not receiving answers to our prayers or we don’t see results, it is not because we are not heard. Many times we think of God as our servant and we demand what we want, how, what color, and at what time. That is not how the universe works. It is necessary to ask without having expectations, asking for that which we think is correct for us and then letting go. God gives us what is correct and perfect in every moment. The secret is to TRUST and let go, letting ourselves be taken by the flow of life and being open to receiving from the place and person we least expected. Our problem is that we have expectations, we want things in advance and we are very impatient and inflexible. We do not realize that everything comes from only ONE SOURCE that knows exactly what we need, how and when we need it. We think we are the ones creating the opportunities through our work, our spouses, our investments, but all these are different ways and roads through which things manifest. When a door closes, it is because another is going to open automatically. The worst thing that we can do when a problem arises is to worry. In doing this, we get stuck and trap ourselves, and we end up attracting more of precisely what we don’t want. We are like magnets: Tell me what you think and I will tell you who you are. It is of vital importance to live in the NOW. We spend our existence living in the past with our memories and experiences or in the future with our worries. Money, like everything else, comes when we need it, not before or after. It is only necessary to open our hearts and TRUST. Someone once told me the following story: A woman went out of her home and saw three old men with long beards sitting in front of her garden. Since she didn’t know them, she said, “I don’t think I know you, but perhaps you are hungry. Please come into my home and eat something.” They asked her, “Is the man of the house home?” “No,” she answered, “he is not here.” “Then we cannot go inside,” they told her. In the evening, when her husband returned home, the woman told him what had happened. He said, “Tell them that I have arrived and invite them to come in!” The woman went outside to invite the men in. “All three of us cannot go in at once,” explained the old men. “Why?” she wanted to know. In that moment, one of the men pointed towards the other two and said, “His name is Wealth and his name is Success. My name is Love. Go inside and decide with your husband which one of the three of us you would like to invite in.” The woman went inside her home and repeated the story to her husband. The man became very happy. “Fantastic! Since that is the case, let’s invite Wealth in. Let him come in and fill our home with abundance.” The wife did not agree. “Honey, why don’t we invite in Success?” The couple’s daughter, who was listening to the conversation from the other end of the house, came running up with an idea. “Wouldn’t it be better to invite Love? Then our home would be filled with Love.” “Let’s listen to our daughter,” the man told his wife. “Go invite Love to be our guest.” The woman went outside and asked the three men, “Which one of you is Love? We wish for him to be our guest.” Love stood up and started to walk towards the house. The other two old men stood up and followed him. Surprised, the woman asked them, “I only invited in Love. Why are you also coming?” The old men responded in unison, “If you had invited in Wealth or Success, the other two would have stayed outside. But you invited Love, and wherever Love goes, we go.” Where there is love, there is also wealth and success. Money is not bad; on the contrary, the bad thing is to put it first. When we do things for the money, everything seems difficult. It comes and goes quickly and it escapes from our hands. We must find what we love to do, something that brings us happiness and satisfaction and that we would be willing to do even if we don’t get paid for. We are all born with certain talents and unique natural gifts. There is something that we can do better than anyone else. It is something that is inside of us and that doesn’t necessarily come from a university degree. Abundance and prosperity have to do with our consciousness. When we know who we are, we know that we already have everything that we need. In that moment we are already rich. When we open our hearts and trust, we give permission for everything to manifest in our lives.