No one can insult you.Its impossible

3 min readFeb 20, 2021


If you’ve ever spent some time with a negative person, you know how quickly you can start to take on that negative mentality. Have you ever felt that you wish you had known how to protect yourself from negative energy?

Sometimes, it happens that people don’t even realize they have become negative as a result of being around negative people. And negative people are the worst. If you are feeling overwhelmed from taking on the negative energy of others, there is a way to stop it from happening.When negative emotion takes over, it’s important to identify the source. Is it your own negative emotion or did you pick it up from someone else?

If it is yours, then you can deal with it and work through those emotions, but if it is someone else’s, you need to recognize that it’s not your burden to carry and let it go.Go outside, take a walk, eat lunch in your car: whatever you have to do to give yourself some space away from the negativity and the negative people, do it.Sometimes, all you need is a few minutes to regroup your thoughts and remind yourself that their negativity is not your negativity.

When it comes to dealing with negativity and negative energy, it’s important to know what triggers that feeling in you.When you can identify a feeling associated with negativity, you can identify it sooner and deal with it faster.If that negativity is associated with a person, you can see it coming from a mile away and start walking in the other direction.

If you have people in your life wearing you down, will you take responsibility for getting their negative energy out of your life?I think taking responsibility is the most powerful attribute we can possess in life.

Because the reality is that YOU are ultimately responsible for everything that happens in your life, including for your happiness and unhappiness, successes and failures, and for turning negative relationships around.

If you feel like you are becoming overwhelmed by negative emotion, energy or someone else’s negative emotion or energy, then take a few minutes to regulate your breathing and reset your thoughts. When it comes to managing negative energy and negative people, sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say “no.”

The word no has a lot of power that we often take for granted. It can stop someone in their tracks when it is used correctly.If someone is trying to steal your sunshine, setting limits and boundaries with that person can go a long way to changing the tune of their song when they are around you.

Because you do have a choice in the matter. You are allowed to tell them to stop.

Visualization has become a well known and powerful tool that people can use to improve their lives in many ways, including physically blocking out negative energy.

If you take a minute to imagine yourself impenetrable to negative energy, your body will be able to block it out of your life.

This can take some time to practice, but it is worth it to save yourself the trouble of dealing with outside negativity, and it’s really neat how it works over time to protect you.



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