Outer Intention

19 min readJul 23, 2022


Intention is a combination of desire and action. The intention to do something by your own efforts is obviously a personal inner intention. It is much more difficult to extend the action of intention to the external world. We refer to this kind of intention as outer intention. Outer intention has the potential to rule the world, or rather, to choose the model of behaviour the external world lives by, as well as determine the script and scenery. The concept of outer intention is critical to the alternatives model. Today, all manipulations of time, space and matter that cannot be explained logically tend to be described as magic or paranormal phenomena. These things are the work of outer intention which works to choose life lines in the alternatives space. Inner intention could never transform an apple tree into an avenue of pear trees. Outer intention does not transform anything either but it is capable of choosing an avenue of pear trees instead of an apple tree in the alternatives space and executing the shift to the relevant sector, as a result of which, the apple tree is substituted with a pear. Nothing happens to the apple tree. There is simply a substitution: material realization shifts in the alternatives space from one life line to another. No power on earth is actually capable of magically transforming one object into another. Inner intention may try but its capacities are sorely limited. You cannot move a pencil that is lying on a table with the power of thought but if you hold the firm intention to imagine that the pencil has moved you may be successful. Let us say that you were able to move the pencil (some people with extra-sensory abilities are capable of doing this). What I am about to tell you may seem strange but physically, the pencil will not actually have gone anywhere. At the same time, you are not simply fantasizing that the pencil has moved. In the first instance the pencil is subjected to thought energy which is clearly too weak to shift a material object. In the second case, you slip across life lines in which the pencil has a different location. Can you see the difference? The pencil is lying on the table. With the power of your intention you imagine that it is beginning to move. Your attention scans sectors in the alternatives space where the pencil is placed in all sorts of other positions. If the thought energy you radiate at this stage is powerful enough, the pencil will materialize at different points in the space of physical reality. It is the separate pencil ‘layer’ that moves whilst the remaining layers, including the layer of the observer, remain unmoved. It is not the object itself that moves, but its point of realization in the alternatives space. It is hardly surprising that most people cannot get the pencil to move. In the majority of people capabilities such as these are weakly developed, not because they have a weak energy field but because it is so difficult to evoke pure outer intention if you struggle to believe that such things are possible at all. People who have the ability of telekinesis do not move objects. Rather they have a unique capacity for the power of intention that enables them to shift the location of a point of material realization in the alternatives space. Everything connected with outer intention is generally considered mysticism, magic or at best inexplicable phenomena, proof of which is successfully stored away on distant, dusty shelves. The predominant worldview totally negates these things and so anything irrational evokes a strange fear. People who witness UFOs also experience high levels of fear and consternation. UFOs are so far from our day to day reality that we do not want to believe they exist. When they display the stunning audacity of being real they evoke a weird kind of horror. Outer intention is a case of “if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain.” Did you think it was just a saying? Outer intention does not have to be all about paranormal phenomena. In day to day life we constantly come up against the results of outer intention. Outer intention is the force or mechanism that causes our misgivings and worst expectations can be realized in the physical. Because the dynamics of outer intention function independently of our will, we do not necessarily realize what is happening. It is much harder to work with the force of outer intention that it is to work with personal inner intention. Imagine that you landed on an island where you had to face a tribe of savages. Your life would depend on what you did next. One possible outcome is that you would become the victim, apologising for you presence, making gifts, justifying yourself and trying to ingratiate yourself with the natives. In this case, you would be likely to get eaten. The second possible outcome is that you would become the conqueror, showing signs of aggression, launching an attack and trying to assert your control over the tribe. You would either be victorious or lose your life. The third alternative is that you would present yourself as master and leader. If you were to reach out your hand like the powers that be you would be obeyed. When you have no doubt in your own might, your thought energy is attuned to life lines where you are king and everyone else assumes that this is how things should be. The first two types of behaviour demonstrate inner intention, whereas the third type demonstrates how outer intention works. Outer intention simply chooses a certain alternative. The fly that beats itself against a window pane right next to an open window acts on the basis of inner intention. What do you think outer intention would look like in the case of the fly? You would think the answer would be for the fly to discover the open window and escape but it is not. If the fly were just to take a step backwards and look around it would see the pane of glass and spot the open window. In the case of the fly it is just a matter of having a slightly wider perspective on reality. Outer intention literally opens the window for the fly. Inner intention aims to impact the outside world of your current life line. Everything that is possible within the confines of a materialized sector can be described by the laws of the natural sciences and fits nicely with the limits of a material worldview. Outer intention by contrast chooses a life line on which your desire can be realized. The analogy of the fly in relation to intention is probably quite clear by now. Insisting on flying through a closed window is an expression of inner intention, whereas shifting to a life line where the window is opened is an expression of outer intention. You can make a superhuman effort to move the pencil with your thoughts or, working with outer intention simply scan the alternatives space for the pencil where it is placed differently. Let us imagine that it is Christmas Eve and you are certain you will not be able to find a parking spot just outside the supermarket. The voice of inner intention would say there could not possibly be a free parking space because the whole world is out shopping. Outer intention allows for the possibility that one space might become free just as you arriving at the supermarket. It is not so much that in the case of working with outer intention you solidly believe in the possibility. It is more that you simply claim the possibility of what you deem necessary, dispassionately and unconditionally. Outer intention is born of improvisation, like insight. You cannot prepare for outer intention. All magic rituals are aimed at evoking the power of outer intention but ritual is just the preparation for magic, a theatrical prelude. Imagine that you fell from a cliff in a dream. You would have to evoke the intention to float in the air. You would not have time to prepare yourself or speak an incantation. All you could do is take it into your head to fly and you would do so. Spells and magical attributes can help to awaken the power inherent in each and every individual but they cannot directly apply it. Unfortunately, in contemporary man the ability to direct the power of outer intention has all but atrophied. People have even contrived to erase the ability from memory although ancient legends vaguely hint at it. Today it is pointless trying to prove that the Egyptian pyramids and similar constructions were built with the power of outer intention. Any hypothesis explaining the principle of their construction will be considered, just not this one. The ancients who built the pyramids would no doubt be quite amused to learn that their descendants considered the ancestors a more primitive civilization and were bending over backwards trying to guess the secret of their construction within the limited context of inner intention. Time has not totally deprived us of working with outer intention; the ability is just blocked. Everything that can come to be called magic is nothing more than an attempt to work with outer intention. For centuries the alchemists sought in vain for the philosopher’s stone that would turn any base metal into gold. There are many complicated and misguided books dedicated to the topic of alchemy. Legend has it that the secret of the philosopher’s stone fits into just a few lines inscribed on an emerald tablet, the so-called Smaragdine Table. If the secret is so succinct why are there so many books on the subject? No doubt, because of the desire to understand the meaning of those few lines… You will have heard of the Holy Grail that has been so ardently sought including by representatives of the Third Reich. There are many legends about ritual objects that supposedly endow their owner with unlimited power and strength. Such legends are of course naïve misconceptions. Fetishes, incantations and other magical attributes have no power at all. Belief in the magical power of ritual attributes can to some extent help the subconscious to waken from the daydream and stimulate the weakly developed capacity for outer intention. However, the power is not in the objects themselves but in outer intention and the individuals who use the objects. Ancient civilizations so perfected the skill of working with outer intention that they no longer required the prop of magic ritual. Naturally, their power in this regard created intense excess potential which is why civilizations like Atlantis which had conquered the secrets of outer potential were destroyed by balanced forces. Shards of secret knowledge have been passed on to us in the form of magical practice with the aim of restoring what was lost. In general however, these are frail and superficial attempts often undermined by false understanding and confusion with inner intention. The essence of the power of outer intention as such has remained a mystery. The priority placed on the development of inner intention and the loss of knowledge concerning outer intention is the work of pendulums which feed on the energy of inner intention. A person can only truly develop the ability to work with outer intention once they are as free as they can be from the manipulation of pendulums. You could say that the pendulums have so far managed to keep the upper hand in the battle with man. We have established that the nature of thought energy aimed at achieving set goals manifests in three different forms: desire, inner and outer intention. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about your desire to reach a goal for as long as you like but there will be no change. Inner intention is the concentration of attention on the process of moving towards the goal. This can work but demands a lot of effort. Outer intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal is realized of its own accord. Outer intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. Outer intention presupposes the firm belief that the alternative of the goal’s realization already exists and only remains to be chosen. Inner intention achieves the goal, outer intention chooses it. Inner intention can be characterised by the thought pattern: “I insist that….”, whilst outer intention follows a totally different principle: “Circumstances are such that….”, or “It turns out that…”. The difference between these two thought patterns is huge. In the first case you actively exert pressure on the world making it obey your wish. In the second case you take the position of an outside observer where everything happens according to your will but without the slightest coercion. It is the difference between changing and choosing. You fly in your dream because of the thought pattern: “Oh! I’m flying”, not “I insist on being able to fly”. Inner intention strives directly towards the goal. Outer intention is focused on the process of its independent realization. Outer intention does not hurry to achieve the goal as it is already a done deal. The fact that the goal will indeed be achieved is neither doubted nor discussed. Outer intention is unremitting, coolheaded, detached and moves the goal indomitably towards its realization. The following bilateral comparisons can help discern where inner intention and outer intention come into play: you try to get something from life — life freely gives you what you want; fight for your place in the sun — the world offers you its embrace; bang on a locked door — the door opens wide before you; try passing through a wall — the wall moves aside for you; you try and generate certain events in your life — the events come of their own accord. Using inner intention a person tries to reposition their own fact of material realization relative to the alternatives space, whereas outer intention shifts the alternatives space so that your material realization is where it needs to be. Can you see the difference? The end is the same in both cases, but it is achieved by very different means. If the second part of the comparisons listed above describes your actions then you have understood the principle of outer intention. When you battle for something it is like you are trying to push your realization into the alternatives space, whereas when you choose something the space comes to you. Of course, the alternatives space does not totally independently reposition itself in relation to your where you are within it. You have to take certain actions first which lie beyond the widely accepted perception of things. Throughout this book I will provide examples of the difference in approach between inner and outer intention. Outer intention is the cornerstone of Transurfing. It is the key to the Guardian’s riddle about why there is no need for us to fight with the world and why we can simply choose the things we want. Nothing is beyond the capacity of outer intention. You can fly in waking or walk on water if you have the outer intention of a Christ and it would not represent a contradiction of the laws of physics for the laws of physics work in just one sector of material realization. Outer intention is manifest in the movement of realization through different sectors of the alternatives space. It is impossible for a person to fly within the limits of a sector that is manifest in physical reality because you would have to resist the gravitational pull of the Earth. Trying to do so would be an example of inner intention demanding a massive input of energy in order to overcome the force of gravity. Free flight in dreaming as in waking is not really movement through space in physical reality. It is a shift in the relative position of your realization point. In other words, the body consequently materializes in new points of the physical space. You could also put it this way: it is not that you fly through space but that space moves relative to you in accordance with the choice of your outer intention. This probably does not sound quite right. Nonetheless, we will not go any deeper into the theory of relativity here. We can only guess how it really happens. In order to fly you have to have absolute faith in the idea that it is possible to do so. Why did Jesus so matter-of-factly say: “According to your faith, be it unto you”? Perhaps because nothing can be received or completed without intention and there is no intention without faith. We would not be able to take a single step unless we believed it was possible to do so. However, you will never be able to convince the rational mind that it is possible to fly in waking as it is in dreaming, at least in a normal state of consciousness. There are yogis in India who can leave the ground during meditation. (These are the only reliable cases of levitation that I have come across personally). Their intention may only be sufficient to attune to the movement of alternatives in which the body floats in mid air. Taking into account the incredible capacities of yogis in comparison to ordinary people you can imagine just how difficult it must be to overlay one’s personal will on the power of outer intention.S The dozing mind can accept the possibility of flight during sleep but in conscious waking, however hard you might try to convince yourself otherwise, human flight will always seem impossible. For the mind to accept something there has to be faith as well as knowledge. Faith presupposes the possibility of doubt for where there is belief there is also room for doubt. Knowledge eradicates doubt. You have no doubt that when you throw an apple it will fall to the ground. You do not have to believe in this, you just know it to be true. Pure outer intention is free of doubt and consequently, of belief also. Whereas in the sleep state a mere hint of outer intention is enough for flight to occur, in the world of inert material realization the intention has to be absolutely pure. There is no need to be overly concerned with acquiring a knack for creating pure intention. To realize your personal goals run-of-the-mill intention will do! It just takes some time for material realization to build up momentum. It is interesting to consider outer intention in the context of hypnosis. It is difficult to say whether hypnosis is a result of inner or outer intention. Thought energy alone is clearly insufficient to enable personal will or inner intention to move physical objects, even very light ones. Thought energy is sufficient however, for one person to send a suggestion to the unconscious mind of another. Some people seem to have a marked ability to radiate and direct powerful waves of energy. If that energy is programmed with specific thoughts the person the energy is aimed at comes under the effect of hypnotic suggestion. I hope you do not think that the effect of hypnosis is occasioned simply by magnetic gaze or mesmeric passes. The impact of the hypnotist’s energy does not rely on visual or voice contact. However, as far as I am aware, hypnosis works mainly at close distances suggesting that the impact results from a transmission of thought energy directed by inner intention. In cases where hypnosis works across greater distances, outer intention undoubtedly plays an important role, unless some other technique is being used. To experience the power of outer intention you have to escape Procrustes’ bed of everyday thinking and feeling. The rational mind usually exists within the narrow confines of the predominant worldview. It can be very difficult to move beyond the limits of the conventional mind set because outer intention is essential to make the leap and the rational mind will not easily yield its position. It is a vicious circle because you have to apply outer intention in order to experience it. Not an easy task. I am afraid I will have to disappoint the reader as I am not aware of any exercises that specifically develop a feeling for outer intention. The aim of such an exercise if it existed would probably be something strange like “to intend to have intention”. The only way of understanding the nature of outer intention more deeply is to practice lucid dreaming. In place of some targeted exercise however, I would recommend simply practising conscious living in the sphere of physical reality; not so much training outer intention as living it. The reality of the waking state differs from dreaming only in the inert quality of material realization in the alternatives space. In all other ways they are the same. You may wonder what we have to work with if we are not able to direct the power of outer intention. Of course, you are highly unlikely to move slabs of stone weighing several tonnes, but the density of the material world can be overcome by time. Conventional methods of achieving goals are based on activating the power of inner intention. The essence of the Transurfing method in contrast is based on leaving inner intention alone and applying the principle of outer intention. Inner intention transforms into outer intention when the conscious mind meets and merges with the subconscious. The boundary between the conscious and the subconscious mind is so elusive that it is almost impossible to draw a clear line marking exactly where inner intention ends and outer intention begins. It is like the feeling of free fall or the feeling you have when you first manage to keep you balance riding a bicycle. The closest feeling to the point of merging between the conscious and the subconscious is when you deliberately raise your body into the air in a dream and find that you can fly. The conscious mind merges in total harmony with the subconscious in a very narrow segment. It is easy to deliberately move your finger, a little harder to move your toes and even harder to wiggle your ears, to say nothing of manipulating your inner organs. By comparison, the muscle of outer intention is even less developed. Hence, to join the conscious and the subconscious mind in the intention to leave the ground and fly is considered practically impossible. Levitation is the highest embodiment of outer intention but we will set ourselves more grounded goals than meditating several feet off the ground. The power of outer intention is so great that even its tiniest part is enough to achieve formidable results. In everyday life outer intention works independently from our personal will and can even be detrimental such as when it manifests in the form of our worst expectations. We have already discussed situations in which a person experiences the things they love to hate. On the one hand you are followed by the things you fear, hate or wish to free of because your thought energy focused on the unwanted event carries you into a sector where it exists. On the other hand, it was never your intention to experience these things, so how does intention function in this instance? Inner intention is focused on avoiding the things you see as negative, that are oppressive, cause you anxiety or evoke resentment. There are some things we just want to avoid with all our heart, things that cut us to the quick, that evoke fear and aversion. The rational mind is fearful and the soul too is anxious. The rational mind experiences enmity and the heart feels the same. The mind experiences hate and the heart all the more so. The heart and the mind are in complete agreement. It is in these moments of union between the conscious and the subconscious that outer intention is activated. The only problem is that it is not directed in accordance with your personal will. It is probably not quite accurate to speak here of outer intention being directed. Whereas inner intention has the focus of staving off the negative, outer intention would be more accurately described as giving the green light for the realization of whatever the soul and mind agree on. What they agree on of course, is their assessment of a given event. Whether it is a desired event or not is irrelevant. It is as if outer intention, on seeing that the mind and the heart are united, automatically chooses the matching sector in the alternatives space. The heart and the mind most often agree over the things they would rather avoid in life and so the cases where a person’s worst expectations are realized provide the most indicative illustration of how outer intention works. As we have said before, people usually have an excellent idea of the things they do not wish to experience and only have a vague sense of what they desire with a passion. To subject outer intention to your will you have to wipe all negative thought from your mind and establish harmony between the heart and mind in your positive striving. You already understand what a harmful effect a negative attitude can have on your life. When you express resentment and dissatisfaction you become subject to the impact of balanced forces. Then you become dependent on destructive pendulums and your thought energy becomes focused on negative sectors of the alternatives space. Attracted by the negativity outer intention transforms the sector into the physical reality of life. This is why outer intention can work independently from your will. It is difficult to harness the power of outer intention but there are ways of making it work for you. This is our next task. We have already established that to avoid experiencing the undesired results of outer intention it is essential not to create the potential of projected importance and to refuse to have anything to do with negativity. Now we need to grapple with the task of how to make outer intention serve the goals you set for yourself. It may not be quite as simple as rubbing Aladdin’s lamp but methods to activate the mechanism of outer intention do exist. Much of what has been described above may be a little obscure. It is a theme that is hard to understand because outer intention defies literal description. The picture will become clearer however. I have no desire to surround these ideas in a fog of mystery, just to intrigue you, as adepts of certain schools and spiritual groups have a tendency to do. Everything you need to know about outer intention is contained in this book and all the skills you need to have to work with it can be acquired from personal experience if you put the principles of the Transurfing method into practice. No special classes or seminars are required, neither is there anything mystical or mysterious about the Transurfing technique. “Secret knowledge” is often clouded by metaphor and allusion but a person who thinks clearly also tends to express their ideas clearly. If a guru claims to carry “secret knowledge” so precious that it can only be whispered into the ear of a disciple, the rest of the time being alluded to only allegorically or with profound rhetoric, they probably have not fully penetrated the essence of this knowledge either. It is not our goal to acquire the power of absolute intention capable of lifting the body into the air. If we knew how to levitate there would be nothing left to say. The alternatives space exists and the freedom of choice exists. You choose which possible pathway in the alternatives space manifests as your physical reality. The task we have set ourselves is to learn how to achieve goals given the capabilities and resources we already have at our disposal. Even though these may have their limitations Transurfing represents knowledge that can awaken a power we rarely make use of. Transurfing does not require you to exhaust yourself with meditations, various practices, lucid dreaming and other mystical activities that are enough to make the head spin. I understand that the Transurfing model seems unlikely to work but all you have to do is reconsider your established views of the world and you will be able to achieve things you previously thought were beyond you. Likely as not you will soon become convinced that you really can make the power of outer intention work in your favour.

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