Power of thought
thought power
Power of thought
One of the most understated energies and aspects of the human mind is the power of thoughts. It’s a source of infinite energy which is available within us; 24×7, 365 days, right till the day you bid au revoir to this beautiful world. It has been scientifically proven that more than 95% of the human mind’s energy is never channelized and is left almost untapped. What if one could make use of this infinite source of mental energy and put it to work? The answer is YES!! With the right kind of conditioning and mental awareness, a lot can be accomplished.
Some known, simple ways of extracting the most out of the human conscious can be listed in these simple ways:
- Be CLEAR in what you want: Clarity of thought is the most beautiful gift that you can begin by giving yourself. The first task is to have un-wavering belief in what you want and how you wish to achieve it. The energy and vibrations that you feel and emit into the universe will work for you and help you in getting what you wish for. Feel yourself achieving what you want, visualize yourself in the moment of love, achievement and see it coming to life as the world manifests.
- LOVE those who HATE you: As polar opposite it might feel to your current perception of reality, this is one way of unlocking a hidden source of energy that you didn’t know existed. Imagine a fast ball coming towards you and by sheer reflex, your instinct takes over and you may deflect that ball and save yourself from any potential injury. However, in the meta-physical world, any fast ball or negative emotion sent your way by a hater will only add to the burden that you carry. Spread and feel LOVE for everyone and none of these fast balls will be able to affect you.
- Feel the GRATITUDE: Thank everybody. Right from the guy who delivers your newspaper in the morning till the last person you meet before your sleep. Feeling gratitude gives us a direct access to channelize and balance our inner desperations and fills us with the energy that we need to overcome negativity. TRY IT, IT WORKS
- REPETITION: Keep yourself in tune with the feeling that you want and feel that emotion in the present context over and over again. Have clarity, love everyone, feel the love. You will be amazed at the results that you will get out of this process. Fill it with your emotions, put in the real feeling and see the world become your friend. See the love flow right back to you and the world coming in your embrace.
- PERSISTENCE: Do not get perturbed if you don’t see results instantly. It takes a while to get rid of the old programming and get in the new system to work for you. Have FAITH. Do not get bogged down if you don’t feel back the love instantly. Have faith that there is a new chapter, a new beginning that awaits you.
- See yourself with it: Act as if you are the person that you want to be. Be in the moment that you wish to be in. Act the part and you will slowly blend in and become that. The world is only a large manifestation of who we wish to be. Dr. Joe Dispensa put it very aptly; “You personality creates your personal reality”, what does this tell you about the world? Your personality is constantly shaping your present which is shaping your future.
- The 17 second rule: Coined by the legendary Abraham Hicks, everything in the physical universe is energy and we are all a mere reflection of it. What we feel inside simply shows up on the outside. Whatever that we may need and want is just 17 seconds of pure thinking away and we are just keeping ourselves away from it. Feel the presence and feel the blessings.
At the end of the day, everything that matters is stored within you and the only thing keeping you away from it, is YOU!!