4 min readJun 11, 2022

Programming the Subconscious

Subconscious Mind

The first few articles you read about many different individuals who accept the possible imagine seeing that you and like magic the body responsible that picture in their minds individuals who’ve been trapped for years but it involved it could promote Parkinson disease but increased their dopamine levels by particle only 2 CDS static palaces mysterious vanish a chronically depressed woman who what time is it going to change her brain entrance where did her deep indication emotional state into joy and will be as the medical experience Lee brown. Ron I couldn’t if we sold brought on by nothing more than a quarter of it but that it was the wrong vehicle construction in the second row in healing exactly the same work of it but and of course the man gets easier meeting and compromise to reach our motion will miraculously improve after having she needs surgery and the main here years later in all these cases and more it could be the state dentist above subject was accepted then believe in this edition of better health and then surrendered without them without for that and then this is when these people accepted the potential of the company the end aligned themselves with a future possibility reality and change their mind and Graham in the process as they believe in the welcome the most meat based idea and as others in their bodies as unconscious mind we are living in that future the other team during the present moment the condition their body but would you mind and so began to sing the new jeans and new way and express you protein for better health and they moved into a new state of being was this article the new possible scenario you know northern allies how it was going to happen when it would manifest this in distrusted in the breakfast at the beach and maintain that new. State of mind and body for extended period of time it was that sustained state of being that switch on the right genes and programming to. Road on them to stay on with this look there is a minimum daily sugar pills lasting few weeks or even months receive a single saline injection some occurred builder they said they need this individual reaffirm their sickness believe answer in there for the duration of the study yeah participated in they were taking a bill Daley during the game or depression the pin was constant reminder for them the condition expect and assign meaning to the international it would be best reinforcing that international process over and over again if it was weekly visit to the hospital to see a doctor to be interviewed about the enrolment the choice to interact with the particular environment but doctors nurses equipment’s and waiting room regarded host of sensory responses was assertive memory they were reminded of a possible new feature in a condition from past experience that is called a hospital was where people went okay then they begin to anticipate the future changes and therefore the same attention to the whole healing process because all these factors and meaning the help make the placebo patient more suggestible to the outcome they experienced. So, news addresses the elephant in the room: No real physical chemical or therapeutic mechisms made these changes happen. None of these people had actual surgery took active medication or received any real treatment to create these signicant alterations in health. The power of their minds so influenced their bodies physiology that they become healed. It’s safe to say that their real transformation happened independent of their conscious minds. Their conscious minds may have initiated the course of action but the real work happened subconsciously with the subject remaining totally unaware of how it happened. The same is true of Ivan Santiago. The power of his mind under hypnosis so influenced his physiology that even when he was sitting in a freezing ice cube bath he did not so much as flinch. It was power of his subconscious mind altered by a mere suggestion however not his conscious mind that was responsible for this feat. If he had not accepted the suggestion the outcome would have been very different. In addition, he did what he did without thinking about how he was able to do it in fact in his mind he was not sitting in an ice bath. He was sitting in a perfectly pleasant tub of warm water. So just as with hypnosis the placebo effect is created by a person consciousness somehow interacting with the autonomic nervous system. Quite simply the conscious mind merges with the subconscious mind. Once the placebo patients accept a thought as a reality and then believes and trust in the end result emotionally the next thing that happens is that they get well. A cascade of physiology events carries out the whole biological change without their conscious minds being involved. They are able to enter the operating system where these functions already happen routinely and when they do it as of, they are planted a seed in fertile ground. The system automatically takes over for them. In fact, it’s not anyone job to do anything. It just happens. None of the subjects could consciously spike dopamine levels by 200 percent and control involuntary tremors with the mind manufacture new neurotransmitters to combat depression signal stem cells to morph into while blood cells to mount an immune response or restore knee cartilage in order to reduce pain — just as Santiago could not have consciously avoided flinching when he lowered his body into that tub. Anyone trying to accomplish any of these feats would certainly be unsuccessful. These people would have to get help from a mind that already knows how to initiate all of these processes. To succeed they have to active the autonomic nervous system the subconscious mind and the then assign it the tasking of making new cells and healthy new proteins.

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