Frustrate with People

5 min readFeb 24, 2021


We are trained to distinguish right from wrong at an early age. Principles like hard work and honesty are regarded as right while failure and (especially) people mistakes are conditioned to be wrong.Being human we get frustrate with people .But we all make mistakes: infidelity, financial mis-investments, a lapse of good judgement — any lamentable action can be considered a mistake done by people. Being human we get frustrate with people.And we rarely see beyond our mix ups to their true function in our lives. Being human we get frustrate with people.While acting in error can have immediate detrimental effects, our mistakes by people can play an equally positive role in the long term.Being human we get frustrate with people. It all depends on how we look at it.Being human we get frustrate with people

When I first moved to America in my late 20s, I was convinced that leaving my native country was a terrible mistake. Being human we get frustrate with people.I was miserable without my family, my singing career, and my entire culture. Being human we get frustrate with people.With time, I began to comprehend the greater reason behind my great mistake. Being human we get frustrate with people.Now I realize that, had I remained in Europe, I would have never been given the extraordinary chances I was given here: the chance to send my children to good schools, to publish books, even to post a blog on The Huffington Post! Though I was too hardheaded to see it at first, my mistake endowed me with the greatest opportunities of my life.Being human we get frustrate with people. As such, your perceived “people mistakes” may not be people mistakes at all — they’re unlikely strokes of luck, catalysts for personal evolution, and pathways out of negative circumstances. Being human we get frustrate with people.And with time, you embrace the reality that, actually, there are no people mistakes — only blessings in disguise.Being human we get frustrate with people

So what are the reasons for our people mistakes, and why do others act in error towards us? There are several probabilities as to why people make mistakes:

To learn a life lesson: Sometimes life teaches us the hard way. Our own ego may prevent us from learning a crucial lesson, and the universe steps in to make sure we do learn it in the form of our own wrong actions.Being human we get frustrate with people

To escape a negative situation: Many people regard divorce as a mistake in the initial phases, but come to realize it was their saving grace later on. We can be led out of a negative situation under the temporary guise of a mistake.Being human we get frustrate with people

To evolve into a new you: The aftermath of a mistake is usually accompanied by much self-reflection. Through our errors we begin to discover new, incredible angles to ourselves because we’re led to analyze our tendencies and weaknesses with honesty.Being human we get frustrate with people

To invoke necessary change: People Mistakes can act as gateways to real, much-needed change. Given that we’ve learned our lesson from a particular error, we learn not to engage further in misguided actions.Being human we get frustrate with people

To resolve karma: We all have some sort of outstanding karma. Being human we get frustrate with people.Think of your karma as the accumulation of every one of your thoughts and actions — it certainly builds up in time! People Mistakes can serve to end our karma, our soulful ties, with a certain person, place, or thing, which is sometimes necessary. Being human we get frustrate with people.My daughter used to have a friend who repeatedly mistreated her. One day, she unknowingly upset her friend, who decided never to speak to my daughter again. Being human we get frustrate with people.Years later, my daughter understood that her mistake had ended her karma with her pretentious friend and was grateful for it.Being human we get frustrate with people.

To bring about unexpected opportunity: A door may have closed due to your error, but the universe has just opened a new window. Being human we get frustrate with people.You must possess a certain degree of flexibility towards divine timing and faithfully anticipate to receive the blessings you deserve.Being human we get frustrate with people

Adopting this mentality comes with a bit of introspection.Being human we get frustrate with people. But as with anything else, change commences from within.Being human we get frustrate with people. There are three emotional steps to overcoming people mistakes and discerning the true reasons behind people make mistakes:

The first step is to forgive ourselves and others for former errors. Being human we get frustrate with people.We can easily become mentally and emotionally trapped in a situation from the past.Being human we get frustrate with people. But when we forgive, we detach — from the regret, guilt, nostalgia, and bitterness that keep us from moving forward. Being human we get frustrate with people.We become free once more to influence our future as we wish. Being human we get frustrate with people.So calm your ego, let go of the grudges, and forgive all people mistakes, one by one.Being human we get frustrate with people

Strive to forgive one person each day.Being human we get frustrate with people. Start from the beginning and think back to your childhood years.Being human we get frustrate with people. Create a list of people you feel you need to forgive, acknowledging in writing that you do excuse their unintended actions.Being human we get frustrate with people

Next, we must practice wisdom.Being human we get frustrate with people. Wisdom comes from the Latin word “visionem,” which means vision.Being human we get frustrate with people. When we apply wisdom, we broaden our vision. Being human we get frustrate with people.What we once could not comprehend, we suddenly understand with ease.Being human we get frustrate with people. Our perception shifts, and the beneficial influence of our people mistakes becomes evident.Being human we get frustrate with people. Envision every negative situation as having a miraculous outcome every single day.Being human we get frustrate with people

Once we see the bigger picture, we can begin to accept, and this is the third and final element: to accept what happened and accept that it needed to happen.Being human we get frustrate with people. Remember, there is no shame in mistake-making, especially if we accept that all faults are designed for our higher good.Being human we get frustrate with people. Acceptance is that final step in which you no longer dwell on your people mistakes, have learned to see past them, and have discovered their vital purpose in your life.Being human we get frustrate with people. The best exercise for acceptance is action. Perform an action that reflects your acceptance of a perceived mistake. Being human we get frustrate with people.For example, if you were fired because of an error you made, act so that your slip-up is never repeated in your current job. Acting out your acceptance helps to bring that crowning note of closure to any former faulty action.

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