Stress and Relaxation

5 min readAug 20, 2022


When a person is depressed or tense their central meridians become blocked. The meridians narrow and the circulation of free energy either slows down or stops altogether. In this state intention loses its energy supply. When intention is blocked a person usually becomes incapable of dealing with stressful situations effectively. Stress can also have the opposite effect on the meridians making them suddenly dilate. When this happens a person is capable of doing incredible things that ordinarily they would never be capable of doing. There are known examples of this although they are rare. In the majority of cases a person’s abilities and resources are severely reduced when the body experiences high levels of stress. Every day people come up against numerous stressful situations of varying intensity from fairly minor incidences that are usually quickly forgotten to extremely stressful situations which can knock them off kilter for quite some time. The body’s natural response to stress is to tense one or another muscle group. This tensing has become such a deeply engrained habit that we do not really notice it. For example, whilst you read these lines you are tensing individual facial muscles but as soon as you pay attention to them they relax. After a few minutes you will forget about your face and it will freeze once again into a mask that reflects your emotional condition. There is an erroneous but widely held belief that stress can be relieved through relaxation. By trying to relax you are in effect railing against the symptom without eliminating the cause. Physical tension is caused by psychological tension. States of oppression, anxiety, irritation and fear cause spasmodic muscle tension. Naturally, conscious relaxation of the muscles will give some temporary relief but unless the mental tension is dealt with the body will reassume its previous condition. To eliminate mental tension it is essential and sufficient for importance to be reduced. The reason you are tense in the first place is because of the excess meaning you attribute to whatever is bringing you down. Stress if a consequence of importance. Stress can be instantaneously relieved by reducing importance. It is futile and harmful to create ongoing importance. You will never succeed in changing a situation for the better and acting effectively if you are carrying the heavy load of importance. When you are severely stressed it is enough to wake up, open your eyes and become conscious of the fact that a pendulum has hooked into your importance. It is easy enough to see what the importance relates to in each specific instance. Remind yourself: by reducing importance you free yourself of the pendulum and can act effectively. You have to be aware of the fact that attributing something inflated meaning will always works against you. To change any difficult situation it is enough to remember about importance and consciously reduce any excessive meaning you have connected with it. The only challenge is to remember in time. When you are stressed your awareness is sleeping and so you will forget that something called Transurfing ever existed. To eliminate stress from your life you have to wake up and reduce importance. If you have made a habit of paying attention to your inner voice, it will not be at all difficult to remember about importance at the necessary moment. Every time you experience a feeling of unease ask yourself why. Where has meaning been inflated? However ‘important’ the specific circumstances are to you consciously let go of your attachment to their importance. Only after the purification of intention can you act effectively. To become immune to stress you have to replace the old habit of stressing out over any small thing with the new habit of maintaining a relaxed state. Being in a relaxed state does not mean being listless or apathetic. It is a state of harmonious interaction with the outside world: balance. Balance presupposes the absence of internal and outer importance: I am neither good nor bad and the world is neither bad not good; I am not pathetic and insignificant and the world is not pathetic and insignificant either. The absence of importance or at least a low level of importance is the main condition essential to becoming relaxed. There is no point in trying to relax when importance is inflated. For example, you can hardly expect to be able to stay superbly relaxed when you are standing at the edge of a high rooftop and have a fear of heights. If reducing importance is not an option, you can at least avoid wasting energy on trying to relax. This only increases your energy expenditure because as well as trying to control a critical situation, you are also holding back on what you feel which is totally futile. Instead let go and worry to your heart’s content! For the practice of Transurfing you have to be able to swiftly induce a relaxed state in any circumstances. This does not require any verbal self-suggestion because the muscles are governed by intention and not words. The majority of the body’s muscles can be relaxed consciously simply by being aware of them. It can be enough to simply scan your body with your inner eye to release any contraction. We do not usually focus our attention on our muscles until we experience physical discomfort and so there will also be certain muscle groups that have forgotten how to obey intention. This is connected with the modern day, sedentary lifestyle that most people lead. For example, it is difficult to control the back muscles consciously and so with age people tend to develop back pain. However banal it may sound, it is absolutely essential to regularly stretch and exercise the back. The whole procedure of inducing a relaxed state consists in the following. Without hurrying quickly scan your body with your inner eye and release any contraction. Focus your attention on the entire surface of your body in one go. Imagine that your skin is a membrane that suddenly and rapidly warms through from the inside out. Focus your attention on the surface of your body. Imagine this stage in any way you like: your skin is warming up, covered in a tingling sensation or electrical discharge. The important thing is to feel your skin. Now imagine that energy is sparkling all over the surface of your body like iridescence on a soap bubble. In this moment you are a part of the Universe and are in perfect balance with it. There is no need to try and simulate any special sensation. Everyone experiences these things differently. There is no need to try at all in fact. Do the exercise as if in passing but decisively nonetheless. The integral feeling you experience when you feel the entire surface of your body overflowing with energy is equivalent to a state of relaxation, balance and oneness with the world. After you have practiced the exercise a few times you will begin to achieve this state instantly and soon, inducing a relaxed state will be as easy as folding your arms



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