The Foundation Stone
The foundation of all expression is consciousness. Try as man will he cannot find a cause of manifestation other than his consciousness of being. Man thinks he has found the caused of disease in germs the cause of war in conflicting political ideologies and greed.All such discoveries of man catalogued as the essence of Wisdom are foolishness in the eyes of God. There is only one power and this power is God. It kills it makes alive it wounds it heals it does all things good ,bad or indifferent
Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified knowing this he wars against his reflections while he keeps alive the light and the images which project the reflection. ”I am the light of world”.”I am is the light”.That which I am conscious of being such as “I am rich”,”I am healthy”.”I am free”are the images.The world is the mirror magnifying all that I am conscious of being.
Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror.Man attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking the mirror in the hope of changing his face.Leave the mirror and change your face.Leave the world alone and change the conceptions of yourself.The reflection then will be satisfactory
Freedom or imprisonment satisfaction or frustration can only be differentiated by the consciousness of being. Regardless of your problem its duration or its magnitude careful attention to these instructions will in an amazingly short time eliminate even the memory of the problem. Ask yourself this question: "How would I feel if I were free?”The very moment you sincerely as this question the answer comes.No man can tell another the satisfaction of his desire fulfilled. It remains for each within himself to experience the feeling and joy of this automatic change of consciousness. The feeling or thrill that comes to one in response to his self questioning is the Father state of consciousness or Foundation Stone upon which the conscious change is built. Just how this feeling will embody itself no one knows but it will; the Father has ways that no man knows it is unalterable law
All things express their nature. As you wear a feeling it becomes your nature. It might take a moment or year it is entirely dependent upon the degree of conviction. As doubts vanish and you can feel “I am this” you begin to develop the fruit or the nature of the things you are feeling yourself to be. When a person buys a new hat or pair of shoes he thinks everyone knows that they are new.He feels unnatural with this newly acquired apparel until it becomes a part of him.The same applies to the wearing of the new state of consciousness. When you ask yourself the question, "How would I feel if my desires were at this moment realized? The automatic reply until it is properly conditioned by time and use is actually disturbing. The period of adjustment to realize this potential of consciousness is comparable to the newness of the wearing apparel Not Knowing the consciousness is ever out picturing itself in conditions round about you like Lots wife you continually look back upon your problem and again become hypnotized by its seeming naturalness.