10 min readNov 1, 2022


When I woke up and began my search, I tried different ways and paths to get to the truth. The more I tried, the more I felt that something inside of me was saying that there had to be a faster and easier way. When I finally discovered Ho’oponopono, I did not realize immediately what I had found. I took the training several times, and one day while in a class taught by my teacher Ihaleakalá, I realized that this was what I had been searching for. I didn’t need anything else. Thank God my search had ended. First and foremost, I discovered that I neither needed nor depended on any guru. I can carry out the process alone because I communicate directly with Divinity, without intermediaries. The only things required are to clean and to erase (I am sorry, please forgive me). While I am taking 100% responsibility and cleaning, I am leaving everything in God’s hands. As long as I am cleaning, I will not have reason to worry. God makes sure to put me in the right place at the perfect time. As long as I am cleaning, there will be someone to take care of me. I don’t need to do it. In this last article, I would like to summarize the most important points of Ho’oponopono, the wise ancient doctrine that has given me the tools that have changed my life. These concepts are very simple. The only thing that Divinity asks of us is that we assume all responsibility, that we ask forgiveness, and that we take good care of ourselves. That is all! Taking one hundred percent responsibility is the shortest way. When we realize that it is only “our programs” that do not allow us to see things clearly, when we stop blaming outside factors and we decide to take responsibility, only then will heaven’s doors open up for us and we can reach a state of infinite possibilities. On the other hand, when we are upset with someone or about something we lose our freedom. Our own feelings of hate condemn us and tie us down. We are slaves to them. We only hurt ourselves in this manner. We can free ourselves through forgiveness. Forgiveness is a part of the shortest and easiest way. But it is not necessary to speak with anyone to let them know that we have forgiven them. This is an internal job. It is a process that takes place between us and God when we say, “I am sorry, please forgive me for what is going on in me that has created this situation/problem.” In my case, for example, it’s not that I no longer get angry; it’s not that I no longer react or have problems. The big difference is that now my anger lasts only a few minutes until I return to my center, until I remind myself and become aware. Then I tell myself, “I am creating this. They are my thoughts of the other person. It is a product of my own programming, my recordings, my perception. I can erase it.” This simple process gives me a peace that I can’t describe with words. Why? Because I don’t stay trapped in thoughts like, “How could he say that to me? How could she do that to me?” I don’t expect the other person to change, react in a specific way or do so[1]mething specific. What a relief! I don’t depend on anyone or anything outside of myself. I don’t expect myself to be perfect, or to please the whole world. I don’t need to convince anyone of my point of view. I learned to respect and understand that we all have free will and not all of us choose the same things. This reality brings me a lot of inner peace. There is no problem. Good and bad are parameters that we create in our minds. As long as we love ourselves and take care of ourselves, we will love and take care of others as well. So then, what are the keys to this freeing process? First and foremost it is necessary to take complete responsibility for our lives. We have to learn to say, “I’m sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that is creating this.” In this way we take responsibility, and from there the process of forgiveness and transmutation begins. We are forgiving ourselves. Since we have memories in common, it is enough for you to take the responsibility of asking for forgiveness for those memories to be erased. When they get erased from your consciousness, they get erased from the others as well. However, it is important to remember that when you do this cleaning, you do it for yourself, not for others. We are here to save ourselves and nobody else, but the beauty of this process is that it benefits everyone. It is also important to surrender and accept that the intellect doesn’t know anything, but that there is a part of us that knows what is perfect and right for us and the best way to achieve it. If we allow it to do that, that part that does know will guide us to find the right and perfect solution for all our problems. In order to see the results of this “cleaning” it is important to do it all the time, like breathing. Do you know what happens if we forget to breathe? The same occurs with this cleaning. It has to be done all the time. Of course we are human beings and many times we will forget. Other times we won’t be able to help it and we will react. The important thing is to practice this method as much as possible, even when it “looks like” nothing is happening, or when problems do not appear to be arising. Why? Because the mind plays the tapes all the time. It permanently repeats the programs that we have recorded, even if we are not aware of it. Luckily, we always have the possibility to erase it. This way we give permission for new ideas and opportunities to appear in our lives. Many times these will come from the people and places we would least expect it. It is necessary to practice, practice, practice. Throughout our entire lives we have practiced reacting and suffering. We have incorporated reacting and suffering so far into our lives that we do it almost automatically. We are experts, masters, and I would even say we are addicted to this way of living. In the beginning cleaning might seem difficult. But we learn to incorporate it into our daily life like breathing, and it becomes automatic because we begin to feel different and we see the results. We begin to see changes in our lives. We begin to experience a profound inner peace. It is important not to have expectations. The secret is in being open and flexible, because we never know where it is going to come from. We have to trust that the right thing for us will come. Perhaps it won’t be what we were expecting, but it will be the right thing. This is not because we were not heard, because it is a test, or because we did not deserve it. We have to allow ourselves to be surprised by the universe. In that way we receive the most incredible gifts. The law of the universe is that when we ask, we receive. The universe has to respond. It is necessary to ask and to give permission. One way of asking is by using the tools of Ho’oponopono. But we have to detach ourselves from the result. This is done by knowing and trusting that the right and perfect thing for us will come. Now then, there are many tools to erase the programs that our mind repeats. I am sharing the basic and most im[1]portant ones here: “thank you” and “I love you.” For exam[1]ple, all you need is to just repeat mentally, “thank you, thank you, thank you,” all the time. With these words we stop the tapes and we allow God to take care of us and our problems. Many times people tell me, “How can I pay attention whenpeople talktome ifI amthinking,‘thankyou’?” Inthefirst place, it is important to remember that people almost never say what they really mean. If someone tells us their problem, they are only doing it to give us the opportunity to erase and clean the memories that we have in common. Remember that they are only our screens, our monitors. Next time, before reacting, before giving advice or opinions, think “I love you” or “Thank you.” Most likely you will end up saying exactly what that person needed to hear instead of what you thought they needed to hear. Many times it is not even necessary to talk, to answer, or to say anything in order for the person to end up feeling better, or suddenly, in a miraculous way, to end up finding the answer to their problem all by themselves. “I love you” and “Thank you” are the passwords. When I am worried about my children, anxious about money, or resentful towards someone, I don’t allow my intellect to impose itself and start the chatter. I mentally repeat “I love you, I love you, I love you.” I don’t have even the slightest doubt that it works, but it is essential to remember that if we decide to try it, different persons have different experiences. Maybe we will see imme[1]diate results. Maybe they will take some time. Maybe we won’t “become aware” of anything until long after it has happened. I once told my 16 year old son Lyonel that when he got hurt he could simply think, “Thank you.” One day we were having breakfast and he showed me that he had gotten hurt. I asked him, “Lyonel, did you say “thank you”?” His answer was, “Yes Mom. And you know what? When I’m feeling frustrated or anxious I also use it and it really calms me down.” In that moment I remembered that “thank you” can be used for any kind of suffering, whether it be physical or emotional. Another time I said to my son, “Lyonel, I know I talk about things that sound kind of weird, but they really work.” He answered, “Yes mom, of course they work. Remember when you told me what I had to do in school? Well, after I did it, I started getting better grades.” A little while ago Lyonel told me that he could not believe how well he was getting along with all his teachers. It is worth mentioning at this time that physical problems, illnesses, are also memories that can be erased and cleaned. We are used to treating pain or physical maladies, but that is not where the problem lies. The problem is in the memory, the tape is playing! How do we know in which one? How do we find it? Well, we do not need to know which memory or which recording, because God (Love) knows. It’s only necessary to give permission. For example by repeating thank you, or I love you, then God can remove the tape or the program that contains those memories and others that are also on that same tape, even if we do not even know they are there. But we must give permission. If not, God cannot do anything. My son Jonathan fought constantly with his girlfriend. I suggested that the next time they had a fight, he could choose to keep his mouth shut, stay quiet and mentally repeat the words “I love you.” A few days later, he called me and said he needed to talk to me. He told me that he had some trouble with his girlfriend, but that this time he was very concerned because he felt like he wanted to hit her. I asked him, “Did you say I love you?” His answer was, “Yes mom, and that’s what stopped me.” Undoubtedly some people will think that this is too easy, that it can’t be. Yes, I agree, it sounds easy and it is easy. The process itself is very easy. The hard part is doing it all the time. In each moment of our lives we have the chance to take 100% responsibility and to erase our programming. But generally we react, we worry, we have opinions and judgments. By doing this we waste time and energy. It is enough just to remember that problems are not really problems. The way in which we react to them is the problem. Opinions and judgments that we have about the problem are the true problem. Our perception of the problem is the problem. The worst part about this is that every time that we decide to react instead of letting go, we sacrifice our true identity, our true being, and we do it simply because of that habit of ours of always wanting to be right. Dead right. We only have two choices: living according to our true being or according to our tapes, letting ourselves be guided by divine inspiration or by our old programs that we tried before and didn’t work. The more that we erase, the more we begin to have the experience of who we really are. The only reason of our existence in this world is to discover who we are. Through the cleaning we do using the tools of Ho’oponopono, we can discover our true identity. I want to make clear that by using any of these tools we are taking one hundred percent responsibility and we are implicitly saying, “I’m sorry, please forgive me for whatever is inside of me that is causing this.” We are asking and letting go and letting God. So why do we clean? Why do we ask for forgiveness? Because we want to be free, because we are tired of living the lies we have chosen to believe, because we have suffered enough. It is time to find ourselves, to discover ourselves, to be happy, to enjoy life, to love ourselves and accept ourselves just as we are. The human condition is to be happy. Have you noticed that when we are happy everything comes easy? The journey is long. We have a lot to clean, a lot to erase. It’s a job that must be done 24 hours a day, but the rewards are immeasurable. In the process we can experience love, we can enjoy life, and we can discover that we are already perfect beings. We can attract everything we need without any effort. We can learn to be ourselves and to love unconditionally. We can choose suffering or happiness, sickness or health, fear or love. Whatever we decide, it will be okay. It will be our choice. Take good care of yourselves. Receive all my love



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