The World Comes To You
The ordinary human mind tries unsuccessfully to impact the reflection in the mirror when what is required is for it to change the actual image reflected. The image is produced by the nature and focus of a person’s thoughts. The problem is that people look first in the mirror and only afterwards express their relationship to what they have seen. By doing this, deliberately or not, they express an intention that exacerbates reality. The tendency for negativity brings even more negative traits into the mirror. The individual layer is painted in gloomy tones and is filled with events that will be unpleasant for its owner. When a person falls into despair the dark clouds in the mirror gather even more. If you take an aggressive stance the world will instantly put its hackles up. You may notice that when you got into an argument with someone and sharply express your discontent something else equally as unpleasant will follow on just soon afterwards. The more irritated you get the more insolently new problems seem to cling to you. Everyone will annoy you with something. People are attached to the mirror by the threads of importance, for everything that happens in the mirror represents our life and so has great personal significance. People either like what they see or they do not. Either way the content of their thoughts corresponds with the reflection which continues to strengthen the existing situation. A person will be dependent on their surrounding reality to the extent that the image is controlled by its reflection. The greater the intensity of your feelings, the more powerful your attachment to the mirror. It does not matter what you are thinking about something; what is important is what you are thinking about. Whether you like the reflection or not, you are still focusing on it. Only the content of the thoughts has any meaning. Aversion is always focused outside of ourselves: “Leave me alone!” or “I am so sick of it all”. Irrespective of its nature, your relationship is still focused on the object of your dissatisfaction. The passionate feeling which is born of unity of heart and mind gives the image sharp contours and as a result, the reflection begins to be dominated by everything that corresponds to the content of the image. This is why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. People admire themselves in the mirror of life and each subjectively states what their reality looks like. This reality pulls you in like a swamp. It is like the old woman in the queue waiting to pick up her pension, or a tired woman carrying heavy bags in a crowded bus, or a sick person being passed from one clinic to another. It is their thoughts that keep them tied to their gloomy reality. At the same time, someone else is enjoying life: the sea, yachts, travel, posh hotels, expensive restaurants, whatever their heart desires. In every case, whatever the nature of the circumstances, the same fact is stated: “This is how we live” whereas it should be, “we live in the manner in which we think about our existence”. The mirror confirms and continues to strengthen the content of our thought forms. The standard objection to this explanation is that supposedly the starting conditions are different for everyone: one person is born in poverty while another person inherits a fortune. Of course, the starting point counts for a lot and determines how the image of one’s life will initially be positioned and how it will develop later. But it does not mean that every totally depends on the startup capital. There are loads of examples of how people who were born into the lowest levels of poverty ended up in the highest circles of society and vice versa. Perhaps these are just the rare examples that prove the rule? That may be true and yet if it is possible for there to be an exception the rule cannot be as immutable as you might think. Whatever dark hole you might find yourself in, know this: you can change everything and what is more, you can change is radically. It does not matter that you may have absolutely no idea of how to bring about that change. You do not have to be able to see a specific way out. The solution will present itself. You think you are at the power of circumstances you are incapable of changing. Yet this is an illusion, a sham that you can easily destroy if you want to. The thing is that we are all subconsciously walking around in a closed circle: we observe reality — we express our attitude towards it — the mirror consolidates the content of our attitude in reality. In order to transform reality all we have to do is break the circle. You look at the reality of your world and you feel as if change is impossible. And in some ways it is, because you try to influence your reflection with inner intention which does not have the power to significantly change anything. There are too few opportunities this side of this mirror. On the other hand you do have the capacity to control your relationship to reality and then outer intention can take things into its hands. There is nothing outer intention cannot do. There are alternatives to the development of events on the other side of the mirror of which the human mind could not even conceive. In order to launch the mechanism of outer intention the fifth mirror principle has to be fulfilled: switch your attention from the reflection to the image. In other words, you have to take control of your thoughts. Think about what you want and are striving to achieve rather than the things you do not want or try to avoid. Look once again at the closed circle formula. People literally move around the mirror circle like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick. Attached to the mirror with its attitude, a primitive response to reality, the donkey tries just as unpretentiously to catch up the reflection in his striving to change something. Now let us see what happens if we reverse the mirror circle: we express our attitude — the mirror consolidates the content of our attitude in reality — we observe reality. So where does that get us? The primitive and impotent statement concerning the reflection ends and is replaced by an intentional and goal-directed statement of the image. Rather than habitually expressing dissatisfaction at what I see in the mirror I turn begin create an image of what I would like to see. This is the way out of the mirror maze. The world stops and then comes out to meet me. I am not running anymore. I am standing still and watching reality come to me and a different wind in blowing in my face. Now it is the wind of outer intention. This time I did everything the other way around: I ceased the futile chase after my own reflection, let go of the world and let it turn by itself in accordance with my thoughts. The mirror circle is still a closed circle only now I am not turning circles. The circle spins by itself driven by the power of outer intention. Outer intention substituted my inner intention because I abandoned the attempt to influence the reflection. I simply form a deliberate and desired image in my mind and the dual mirror realises the corresponding sector of the alternatives space into reality. The only difficulty lies in the fact that the situation will appear strange. It is strange that the element “We observe reality” is placed at the very end of the circle. People are more accustomed to behaving according to the rule of: “What I see is what I bang on about”. They send their attitude out into the world and the world returns a watered down version like an echo: “I really hope it is not going to rain” — “Rain, rain…”; “I do not want to study!” — “Study, study…”; “I do not want to work!” — “Work, work…” As a result the purified content of an attitude is what is materialised as physical reality. You can imagine the kind of monologue the mirror would be having, tired of all the confusion. “You do not feel well. Ok, so what do you need in order to feel better?” You do not want to do what you are doing now. Perhaps then you could deign to explain to me what you do want? You do not like what you have now. Then tell me, dear, what do you want?” It is very simple. You have to change the negative attitude to a positive one. Make an inventory of your thoughts and remove all the “not” particles. Dissatisfaction, reluctance, disapproval, hate, lack of belief in success etc all these emotions have to be shoved into a rubbish sack and disposed of at the dump. Your thoughts should be attuned to the things you do want and like. Then only pleasant things will be reflected in the mirror. It needs to be understood that a favourable reality will not be created instantly. It requires patience and awareness. Nothing will be the same again: now you no longer react to the reality of your life; you take command and deliberately send your chosen thought forms out into the world. In contrast to the visible negative reflection you are expressing a positive attitude. It is a little strange but what is better: to be victim to the power of circumstances like normal people or determine your own fate as you see fit? A person’s mood is usually formed as a reaction to unfolding circumstances, be they favourable to your success or not. As a rule, the tendency for negativity keeps a person’s spirits at a low point. You have to do the opposite and consciously create your mood. Even the knowledge that you are capable of shaping your own reality raises the spirits considerably. With my intention I choose the colours for my reality. Irrespective of the circumstances in my life I do what I need to do to feel upbeat. I do this consciously instead of reacting in a primitive manner to external irritants. This has to become a habit. Slides, visual or musical, whatever you prefer can help to create the right mood. Ideally, it should be a picture in which your goal is reached and you feel marvellous. However, be prepared for there to be a period of time in which you do not notice any change in the layer of your world. Or the opposite might happen. There will be change but problems will creep out from under the floorboards just to spite you. Why? These are just temporary inconveniences related to the “move” to a new level of relationship with reality. You will recall that the mirror works with a delay factor. You just have to stick to your guns no matter what and quietly hold the pause whilst nothing is happening. It should literally be like in the fairytale: “If you look round you will turn to stone!” I let whatever is going on in the mirror in the meantime be, for I know that the mirror does not have any choice; sooner or later it will have to start reflecting the image I create in my thoughts. If I do not succumb to temptation of looking round and am resolute my reality will be created in the mirror. Everything will be the way I want it to be. Your mental outlook should be as it would be if you already had what you want or are just about to receive it. Remember, the mirror materialises whatever is contained in your thoughts. For example, if you are dissatisfied with your external appearance you take no pleasure in admiring your reflection in the mirror. All your attention is focused on the less attractive traits that you dislike about yourself and which you state in your mind. You have to understand that what is reflected in the mirror of the world is your relationship to yourself. Make it a new rule not to look into the mirror of the world but to glance or peep into it. Ignore the negative stuff and search for the good and let everything you perceive pass through this filter. Concentrate your attention on what you want. What did you do previously? You made a statement of fact: “I am fat and ugly”. “I do not like myself like this”. The mirror consolidates this fact: “It is true, you are those things”. Now you have a different task: to search only for the wanted traits in yourself and simultaneously create a picture in your thoughts of your desired image. From this moment this is all you do. You just look for constant confirmation of positive change: things get better every day. If you practice this technique regularly you will soon be left with your jaw dropping from surprise. Basically, you have to create the relationship first and only then glance in the mirror and not the other way around. Naturally it takes a little time to get used to it but the game is worth the candle and a job worth doing is worth doing well. Now reality will not control you. You will control reality. Even taking account of the inert nature of material realisation very gradually the reflection will be transformed into a positive one. The layer of your world will become so filled with good things that you will not have to convince yourself to have fun. The mirror circle will spin easily and spontaneously. The important thing is to get it moving in the first place and then get it to pick up speed with your intention. It will all be downhill from there. “Surely not! I do not believe it!” the boring reader will say. “If only it was all that simple”. Do not believe it if you do not want to. Turn around if you so choose and a good journey to you around the mirror circle after your reflection. Who knows, maybe one day you will catch it up. However, if you do not believe it but would like to believe it then all I can say is that belief is not required here. You do not need to believe. Just practice the recommended technique and you will see the consequences for yourself. For the normal state of consciousness these things will always remain inaccessible because the workings of outer intention are discreet and inconspicuous. The mind will never understand how a dream it considers unattainable can come true. It will never believe it to be possible until it is right up against a realised fact. Let the mind be. It is ok for the mind to be pottering about in a room of doubt whilst you get on with what you have to do. “Yeah right! It is not working!” the lazy reader will say. Indeed the mirror technique is too simple for us to believe in its efficacy. We are used to having to find complex solutions to difficult problems. People find it hard to believe that their thoughts really do affect the shape of reality and so these things are rarely taken seriously and as a result they do not try. This is the first reason for the absence of visible results. The second reason is the usual lack of methodical action. Usually people are instantly inspired by some idea but then lose the feeling of enthusiasm just as quickly as it appeared. There are no miracles here! It requires doing a certain amount of work, only this time the work has to be done with the head and not your hands. Does the mirror which works with a delay factor really has a chance to shape your reflection if all you do is stand in front of it for a fleeting moment and then run away? Now that you are acquainted with the main mirror principles all that remains is to put them into practice. It really is very straight forward. In order for a thought form to become established as physical reality you have to produce it methodically. In other words you have to regularly run the target slide round in your mind. Unlike impractical dreaming that enters your mind randomly, this is a specific task. By taking control of the feelings that tie you to your reflection you are freed from the mirror. It is not about suppressing your emotions for these are just a consequence of the relationship. You have to change the essence of the relationship, the manner in which you perceive and respond to reality. Once you have your freedom you acquire the ability to create the type of reflection you wish to see. In other words, by managing your thought process you manage your reality. If you cannot manage your thought process reality controls you. The process of taking control of reality can be approached with varying degrees of intensity and application. Using an amalgam is the simplest and easiest method. It enables you to create a general background of comfort and well-being which in the majority of cases is quite sufficient. Realising a dream demands more patience and focus. Anyone can use the mirror technique to the extent to which their needs require it. There is nothing new about the idea that our world is a reflection of our thoughts. It is as if everyone understands the idea implicitly but at the same time it remains vague and ambiguous and so there is not much practical benefit from such knowledge. What should do you and how should you do it? Few people have the time to work towards spiritual enlightenment, comprehend the secrets of the forces of nature or develop their own. Now though, you have a specific technique at you disposal. You understand how it works and how to use it. Stop running round the mirror circle and you will see that the world will come to you.