Two sides of reality
From time immemorial people have understood that the world has a dual nature. On the one hand everything that happens on the material level can more or less be understood and explained from the point of view of the natural sciences. On the other hand when we encounter phenomena from the subtle planes the laws cease to be applicable. Why is it that we are unable to unite different aspects of reality in a single knowledge system? It is a strange picture. It is as if the world plays hide and seek with humanity not wishing to reveal its true essence. Hardly have scientists discovered a law to explain one phenomenon than a new phenomenon is observed that seems to contradict it. The search for the slippery truth is like a shadow so long it goes on forever. The interesting thing is that the world is not only hiding its true identity. It also readily takes on the image assigned to it. This is the case with all fields of the natural sciences. For example, if you imagine that an object of the microworld is a particle then there will undoubtedly be experiments to prove it. If you imagine that it is not a particle but an electromagnetic wave the world will not protest but willingly reveal itself in the corresponding manner. You can ask the world what it is made of with equal success. If you ask whether the substance it is made up of is matter that has mass it will reply “yes”. If you ask whether it is not in fact made up of energy it will again answer in the affirmative. As you know, in a vacuum there is a continual process taking place of the birth and annihilation of micro-particles as energy is transformed into matter and vice versa. There is no point in asking the world what is primary: matter or consciousness. It will cunningly change its masks turning towards us with the side we wish to see. Representatives of different teachings will argue amongst themselves trying to prove conflicting points of view, but reality always comes up with its dispassionate verdict: essentially they are all right. So it turns out that the world does not just slip away from us, it agrees with us, in other words, it behaves like a mirror in which literally all our ideas surrounding the nature of reality are reflected. So what are we left with? The world always agrees with our observations of it and yet avoids giving us a direct answer. Are all out attempts to explain the nature of reality to be in vain? It is all actually much simpler than it seems. There is no point in searching for the absolute truth in individual manifestations of a reality that is multi-faceted. We just have to accept the fact that reality is like a dual mirror that has two sides, one that is physical that can be touched and the other metaphysical that lies beyond perception but which is no less objective. At the present time science deals with what is reflected in the mirror whilst esotericism tries to peek at the other side. This is what the argument about the nature of reality comes down to. So what is hidden on the reverse side of the dual mirror? The alternatives space is what is to be found on the other side of the mirror, that information structure in which the scripts of all possible events are contained. The number of alternative realities is infinite just as the number of possible coordinate points on a graph is infinite. The alternatives space records everything that ever was, is or will be. The event that actually takes place in the physical world represents the material realisation of one of those many alternatives. This might be difficult to believe. Where exactly is the alternatives space? How can this be possible? From the perspective of the three dimensions the alternatives space is everywhere and at the same time, nowhere at all. It could lie beyond the limits of the visible universe or it could be in your coffee cup. Either way, it is not to be found in the third dimension. The paradox lies in the fact that we all go to the alternatives space every night. Dreams are not illusions in the normal sense of the word. We carelessly attribute our dreams to the realm of fantasy without suspecting that they reflect real events which could have their place in the past or the future. We know that in dreams people see pictures that do not seem to be of this world. Sometimes people see things in dreams that they quite obviously could never have seen anywhere before. If a dream is like the brain’s imitation of reality, then where does it get these incredible pictures and stories? If we conventionally attribute the conscious aspect of the human psyche to the mind and the subconscious aspect of the human psyche to the soul then you could say that dreaming is the flight of the soul into the alternatives space. The mind does not imagine its dreams, it genuinely sees them. The soul has direct access to the information field where all scripts and sceneries are permanently stored like frames on a film roll. The phenomenon of time, i.e. the development of events appears only in the process of the ‘film roll’ moving. The mind plays the role of observer and ‘ideas generator’. Memory has the same direct relationship to the alternatives space. It has already been proved that the mind is not physically capable of retaining all the information is accumulates over a lifetime. So how does the mind memorise? Rather than retaining the information itself it keeps a kind of address for the data in the alternatives space. The mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. It can only compile a new version of a house from old bricks. All scientific discoveries and masterpieces are received by the mind from the alternatives space via the soul. Clairvoyance and intuitive knowledge are received in the same way and from the same place. “No scientific discovery” wrote Einstein” “is made by means of the logical mind. It only acquires logical form later when you describe it. Every discovery, even very small ones are always an insight. The solution always comes from the outside and unexpectedly as if someone had hinted it”. The alternatives space should not be confused with the popular concept of the common information field in which data can be shifted from one object to another. The alternatives space is a stationary matrix, a structure which defines everything that is or that could possibly take place in the physical world. As yet, mainstream science is unable to explain or confirm the existence of the alternatives space. Quite the opposite in fact, science will try to discredit the Transurfing model which is not surprising because official science is a typical pendulum. Generally speaking, science, for all its indubitable merits and achievements is prone to brush to one side anything that does not fit into its framework. When it encounters anything that defies explanation it wriggle every which way accusing its opponents of being charlatans, of juggling the facts or of simply ignoring the obvious, anything to remain on its pedestal of granite. There was one person however, academic Vyacheslav Bronnikov who managed to completely snooker science by combining the totally incredible with the more than obvious. Children taught at the International Academy of Human Development created by Bronnikov demonstrate extraordinary abilities. These individuals are capable of seeing with their eyes closed just as well as when they are open. They can memorise huge volumes of information. They have the gift of clairvoyance and can perceive distant objects as clearly as through a telescope. It is difficult to believe but a fact is a fact. They see through walls as if there were no obstacle there at all. How do they do it? Neurophysiologists who carry out research into the effect of direct vision describe their observations in the following way: “in normal sight the apparatus registers the area where the signal enters, its movement in the brain and how it is processed. In the case of direct vision the point of entry is not registered and there is no apparent movement of the signal in the brain and yet the equipment very precisely register that the signal is processed. All attempts to block signal entry to the brain gave a negative result. We are discovering something that displays features totally unrelated to electromagnetic processes.” It appears that the brain is capable of seeing without the means of the apparatus of sight and that the way the information is received remains unknown. How should this be interpreted? Bronnikov describes this phenomenon in terms of a connection the conscious mind and something he calls higher consciousness. “Higher consciousness “ he writes, “ lies outside of the human mind as a kind of environment”. You have probably guessed already that in the context of Transurfing this environment is understood to be the alternatives space. It does not really matter what how one refers to it. The essence remains the same. The mind or, if you prefer, the brain “sees” what is in the alternatives space by means of the soul whereas the eyes observe physical reality. In the case of direct vision the brain attunes to the metaphysical information field where quite literally the entire mould of physical reality is stored. Once you have access to this bank of data you can perceive objects irrespective of where they are physically located, behind a wall, under the ground or many miles away. The alternatives space consists both of areas that have been manifest as material reality and areas that have not been realised. In order to develop direct vision you have to learn to perceive the current realised sector. From a physiological point of view this could be interpreted as a certain synchronisation between both hemispheres of the brain. Bronnikov developed an entire system of special (and at the same time very straight forward) exercises enabling ordinary individuals to develop these abilities. If you want to you can find relevant information on the internet and try it yourself. It is all very possible. The alternatives space stores information about all possible alternatives of the past and future which means that access to this field also develops the ability for clairvoyance. The only problem with clairvoyance is that an infinite number of alternatives exist and so one can also see events that will never be realised in the physical world. This is why clairvoyants sometimes make mistakes in their prognoses for they can also see things that have never been and things that will never happen. In this sense you can rest assured that no-one can know your future because no-one can determine which alternative will eventually be realised. Likewise there is no guarantee that in a dream you see the sector of the field which will become streamed into physical reality. This is great because it means that the future is not fatally predetermined and we can continue to hope for the best. The task of Transurfing is not to look at the past with regret or the future with uncertainty but to intentionally create your own reality. Under certain conditions human thought energy is capable of materialising a given sector of the alternatives space. Under the condition that in Transurfing is referred to as unity of heart and mind the magical power of outer intention is born which is what turns a possible future into reality. Everything that is usually associated with magic has a direct relationship to outer intention. It is with the help of this magical power that the ancients constructed the Egyptian pyramids and created other similar miracles. This type of intention is called outer intention because it is located outside of the human being and is not subject to the human mind. True, in a certain condition human consciousness is capable of gaining access to it. If you subject your own will to this mighty force you can create unbelievable things. However, modern man has long lost the type of abilities possessed by the inhabitants of ancient civilisations such as Atlantis. Fragments of ancient knowledge have survived to the present day in the form of scattered esoteric teachings and practices. Applying this knowledge to everyday life is relatively difficult. And yet it is not impossible. In Transurfing there are indirect methods which can help you to get outer intention to work in other ways. People are capable of shaping their own reality but you have to observe certain rules. Your ordinary state of mind tries unsuccessfully to manipulate the reflection in the mirror whereas what you must do is change the actual image. The image is the focus and nature of your thoughts. In order to transform what is desired into reality desire of itself is not enough. You need to know how to work with a dual mirror and then you will learn how to create your own reality. You will have to fundamentally undermine the monolith of so-called “common sense” which in actual fact is not very common sensical at all. If you can accept that two sides to reality exist simultaneously, the physical and the metaphysical old stereotypes will crumble and the picture of the world will become clearer. Dualism is an integral part of our reality. For example the soul relates to the alternatives space and the mind to the material world. Inner intention relates to material reality and outer intention to the virtual sectors of the alternatives space. When these two aspects of reality connect on the surface of the mirror, phenomena arise that are referred to as paranormal or unexplained. An obvious example of the connection between the two sides to reality is the wave-particle dualism that occurs when a micro-object behaves either as a wave or as a particle. The birth and annihilation of micro-particles in a vacuum is another example of a borderline condition in which reality fluctuates between physical and metaphysical form. However, the most surprising example is human beings who simultaneously combine in ourselves the material and the spiritual. In one sense you could say that we are living on the surface of a gigantic mirror, which has our material universe on one side and the black eternity of the alternatives space on the other. In such a unique position it would be at best short-sighted to live within the limits of the conventional worldview and use only side of reality, the physical side. You will learn how to work with the dual mirror of the world and how to accomplish things that would previously have seemed impossible. You will be convinced yet, that your potential is limited only by your intention.