Unity of Heart and Mind
The heart comes into the world trustingly reaching out with a child’s arms. Then it discovers that pendulums have conquered the world and transformed it into a jungle. Pendulums immediately try and convince the heart that no-one was expecting it and that in this world everyone has to fight for a place under the sun and pay tribute to the pendulums. The naïve, direct heart must be put in its place straight away. The heart is told that no-one is interested in her desires, that there is more suffering than happiness in the world, that holidays are only held on prearranged dates and that it will have to work extremely hard just to earn a crust of bread. That is it. The heart is crestfallen. The eyes well up with tears of despair or the heart is increasingly indignant. That’s not right, it’s not fair! The hackles are up and it looks as if the only choice is to plod dejectedly along a path enforced by pendulums or scratch away desperately in an attempt to pursue one’s own goals. The pendulums take hold of the mind on all levels: mental, emotional and energetic. The conventional worldview and human behavioural responses are also shaped by pendulums. People think and act in a way that is advantageous to them. The heart like the mind also ends up in the conditioning box. There is an element of conditioning in literally everything. People has to come to terms with the limitations placed on them and play their role in the game that has been forced upon them. In conditions such as these the heart gradually retreats to the back burner whilst the mind takes the reins into its own hands. The mind counsels the heart as if it were a small, unreasonable child: “I know better than you what needs to be done. Your foolish babble makes no sense.” In the majority of people the heart shrinks into a frightened, powerless creature that is left in the corner mournfully observing all the frantic mind gets up to. Sometimes moments of union between the heart and mind occur. In these moments the heart sings and the mind rubs its hands in satisfaction, but such moments are rare. More often than not agreement between the heart and mind arises in moments of negation, fear and hatred. The heart is given no voice in issues of choice. The mind treats the heart as if it were a child asking for a toy in a shop. The mind usually answers in the standard fashion that sounds: “We cannot afford it”, and with that the dream is instantly nipped in the bud. Look at what happens. The child needs the toy now. If you genuinely cannot afford to buy the child the toy there is nothing wrong with refusing the child their desire, but the heart is willing to wait! And yet the mind places a crucifix on the entire situation with the conviction of an idiot: “We do not have enough money”. It turns out that the dream is fundamentally unattainable in principle. The mind has a logic imposed by pendulums who gain from keeping adherents on a leash denying them even of the freedom to choose their own dream. The heart has no logic and understands everything literally. The mind insists that there is not enough money and yet the heart is not asking for money. It is asking for a toy! Arguing that there is no money the mind places a taboo on the toy (it is unrealistic, elusive), and the heart has nothing else accept to close up inside and not mention the toy again. And the dream’s funeral is over. The mind cannot see how to realize the dream and so will not let it into the layer of its physical life, for in life everything should be logical and clear. The mind should have agreed to having the toy and then outer intention would have taken care of how to find the money for it. However, the worldview constructed by pendulums does not allow for such miracles. That adherents should have freedom of choice just does not fit with the pendulums interests. People erroneously accept the rational worldview as an immutable law. This law however, is a ‘sham’ and can easily be ‘deconstructed’. Sometimes in life little, inexplicable ‘miracles’ happen, so why not allow one of these miracles into your own life? All you have to do is allow yourself to have what the heart desires. If you brush away the web of prejudice and limitation the pendulums weave around us and genuinely believe that you deserve your dream and allow yourself to have what you desire, it will come to you. Allowing yourself to have is the most important condition for wishes to come true. The mind has other responses for the heart in the toy shop as well that sound: “Do not be silly. I know what you need better than you do. We are simple people. It is not possible. Not everyone can have these things. You do not have the right qualities or abilities. You can hardly compare yourself with him/her! Just live like everyone else does”, etc, etc. If it were not for the impact of pendulums as a mitigating factor, one would accuse the mind of extreme stupidity. One can only hope that on reading these lines it will wake up from its tenacious illusion and comprehend the absurdity of its ‘reasonable arguments’. Without the heart the mind is not capable of very much at all and yet together, the heart and mind are capable of almost anything because their merging generates the magical power of outer intention. The mind governs internal intention and the heart governs outer intention. Without help the heart is not able to direct outer intention in a goal-orientated manner and yet when the heart and mind merge outer intention becomes controllable and can be used in pursuit of specific goals. Everything that you think is unattainable is indeed impossible to achieve via internal intention which is governed by the mind. No-one is arguing against that. Whatever goal you set yourself I agree that it would probably be hard to achieve within the limits of a rational worldview. And yet why should you have to walk away from your dreams simply because some puffed up authority claimed the right to determine what is real and what is not. Why should not you claim your right to a personal miracle? The secret of happiness is just as straightforward as the secret of unhappiness. In both cases it comes down to unity or disunity between the heart and mind. The older a person gets the greater the discord becomes. The mind succumbs to the influence of pendulums making the heart unhappy. In childhood the heart still hopes that someone will give it the toy it wants to badly, but with time, hope fades. The mind finds more and more confirmation that the dream is difficult to achievable and puts off realizing it until later. Usually, the putting off till later lasts for a life time. Life comes to an end and the dream is stored away in a dusty box. In order to achieve unity between heart and mind first of all one has to determine what exactly there should be agreement on, i.e. identify ones goals. Despite seeming obvious, this question is not as trivial as it might first appear. As a rule, people know exactly what they do not want but find it difficult to express their true desires. This can be explained by the fact that pendulums strive to subdue people enough to impose their own false goals upon them. There can be no question of unity of heart and mind if the mind is chasing after a seductive mirage and the heart longs for something else entirely. On top of that people are so intensely busy and concerned with carrying out various types of work for pendulums that they have no time to simply sit quietly and consider their true desires. You have to deliberately set aside time and remember what your heart longed for in childhood. What did you like, what did you want, what really attracted you and what dreams did you have to give up on over time? Ask yourself: does the goal from that distant past still attract you? Think about what you really want. Could it be a false goal? Do you really desire it with all your heart or do you just want to desire it? When you think about your goal you must reduce inner and outer importance. If outer importance is heightened the goal will appear seductively prestigious and unattainable. Are you sure you have not been caught on a pendulum’s hook? If internal importance is heightened you will think the goal is beyond your capabilities. In this case you will again be attracted to the goal because it appears unattainable. Do you really need it? When considering your goal, do not think about whether it is prestigious. Shake the goal from the pedestal of unattainability. This will reduce outer importance. Likewise, when you are thinking about your goal do not think about how to achieve it. This will reduce internal importance. Only think about how comfortable you feel. Imagine how you would feel if you had already reached your goal. Do you genuinely feel good about it, or it is like a heavy weight in your heart? Doubting whether your desired goal is realistic or not does not mean that it is not needed. The important thing is that your heart sings when you think about your innermost goal. However attractive something might appear to you, if it evokes a heavy feeling in your heart the goal could be false. We will look at all these questions in more detail in the next chapter. If you have no specific goal and do not desire anything in particular you either have a weak life force or your mind has finally driven your heart into its box. In the first case, you could increase your vitality by looking after your health better. It might be that you do not truly know what good health is. When a person is in good health life is pleasurable and they want to experience everything all at once. The heart is incapable of not wanting anything because for the heart this life is a unique opportunity. In the second case you only have one option which is to love yourself. Might you have gone a little overboard looking after everyone else? Put yourself first. You cannot do anyone any good if your own heart has been pushed onto the back burner. You can waste your entire life sacrificing yourself to serve others, even if it is for the sake of those closest to you, to say nothing of pendulums. We are not given this life to serve others. We are given this life to realize our own individual potential. Shutting away your heart in a box creates powerful excess potential in the shape of a hidden lack of inner fulfilment which will spill out in all kinds of trials and tribulations for yourself and those close to you. You will think you are doing good deeds whereas in fact, from a wider perspective, all those good deeds are to the greater detriment. Look after yourself tenderly, attentively and enthusiastically. Then your soul will be warmed through and spread its wings. Do not believe anyone who tells you that you have to change yourself in order to be successful. No doubt you have heard such things said. This is the pendulums’ favourite recipe. Apparently if something is not working you have to work on yourself. What do the pendulums mean when they say that you should change? They mean, turn away from yourself, face the pendulums and follow the rule “do as I do” in order to fulfil their demands and act in their interests. In order to change yourself you have to struggle to overcome yourself. What question can there be of unity of heart and mind if you cannot accept or love yourself and are in conflict with your inner self? The soul will not accept false aims; it has its own inclinations and needs. When you work towards false goals you either end up achieving nothing or, when you arrive at your destination, you finally understand that it what not where you wanted to be after all. Transurfing has no relationship to pendulums and so recommends a completely different path; do not change yourself — accept yourself. Turn away from the husks the pendulums impose and lure the mind’s attention towards your heart. Listen to the dictates of the heart consciously reducing importance as you go; allow yourself to have, and you will receive anything your heart desires. To bring your heart and mind to unity you have to pay attention more often to your level of inner peace. You feel comfortable, calm and at peace when nothing is worrying you or getting you down. Inner tension signals the opposite: you feel uneasy, oppressed, afraid; you feel down or something is weighing on you. If these are the feelings that arise and you know what is causing them then the tension begins in the mind. As a rule the mind knows what is frightening, worrying or oppressing it and so you can rely on the mind to find a solution. The heart’s tension is a little more complicated because the discomfort is manifest furtively as a vague presentiment. The mind will insist that everything is fine, that everything is going as it should and there is no need for concern. And yet despite all these reasonable arguments you know that something is getting you down. This is the rustle of the morning stars. It is not difficult to hear the voice of the heart. The task lies simply in paying more attention to it. The mind with its logical reasoning sounds too loudly for the individual to attach any meaning to a vague and elusive presentiment. Absorbed in its own logical analysis and prognosis of events the mind simply is not in the mood to listen to the feelings of the heart. There is no other way of learning how to listen to the rustle of the morning stars than to develop the habit of paying attention to your level of inner peace. Every time you have to make a decision, first listen to the voice of reason and then the feelings of the heart. As soon as the mind has made a decision, the heart will react to it either positively or negatively. In the case of the latter you will experience a vague feeling of inner tension. If you forget to pay attention to your level of inner peace until it is too late try and remember in retrospect which feelings the decision evoked. You will have experienced a fleeting feeling precisely at the moment the decision was made. In this moment the mind was so involved in analyzing the situation that it was too busy to take note of any whispering from the heart. Now try and remember what this first fleeting feeling felt like. If it was an oppressive feeling on the background of the mind’s optimistic reasoning this is the heart’s way of saying ‘no’. To what extent can you trust the presentiments of the heart? If you think you have experienced a premonition of a particular event that is going to happen it is not advisable to place too much trust in these feelings. There is no guarantee that the mind will correctly interpret the information the heart is providing. Only a feeling of inner tension in response to a decision made by the mind can serve as a reliable guideline. A feeling of inner peace however, is not necessarily a guarantee that the heart is saying ‘yes’. It might be that the heart simply has no particular response to your decision. Yet when the heart says ‘no’, you will feel it distinctly. As you know from the material in previous chapters, the soul is capable of seeing sectors in the alternatives space that will be transformed into physical reality as a result of an intellectual decision being put in action. When the heart sees the result it will express its response to it as positive or negative. You will know from your own experience, that when the heart says ‘no’, it is always right. You now have the reliable criteria of inner tension as a way of determining the truth when you have to make a decision. If the heart says ‘no’ and the mind says ‘yes’ boldly refuse, if at all possible. The heart is not capable of desiring anything bad. If, however, the mind still insists that ‘we have to’, act as best you can in the circumstances. Sometimes in life we do have to accept the inevitable. In any case, the criteria of inner tension will help bring clarity and certainty to situations where the scales fluctuate. Once you have achieved unity of heart and mind on the issue of your chosen goals the next step is to attain unity in the decision to have and to act. Internal intention of the mind has to merge with outer intention of the heart. If you act within the framework of internal intention at the same time as directing outer intention in the necessary direction, you can consider that the goal is in the bag. If you are uncertain of the internal intention because you cannot see clearly how to achieve the goal, work on the decision to have. Outer intention is much stronger than internal intention and will find a way. You have to achieve the same unity of heart and mind over the decision to have that is present when you experience powerful emotions. The heart and mind are usually united in strong feelings such as adoration, hostility, fear and our worst expectations. We love, hate and fear with all our heart. When the heart and mind are united, a passionate feeling is born. As the famous Russian writer Nikolai Chernyshevskiy said: “The one who does not know how to hate will never learn to love.” If the goal is chosen correctly the heart and mind will both be satisfied. The feeling of pleasure that arises can only be marred by thoughts of how inaccessible the goal seems, or if the goal is beyond the person’s individual comfort zone. Slides can help correct the situation if the mind doubts the potential reality of the goal and the heart feels bashful in the ‘director’s chair’. You already know how slides work. By widening the limits of your comfort zone you will achieve the passionate joy of unity in which the heart sings and the mind rubs its hands in glee. I repeat: when considering your goal, don’t think about how prestigious it is or how achievable it is, or how exactly you might achieve it; the only thing you should pay any attention to is how comfortable it makes you feel. Does thinking about it make you feel good or bad? This is the only thing that matters; otherwise you may end up confusing feelings of inhibition with feelings of inner tension. When faced with a challenging or unfamiliar situation it is natural to experience some reluctance, inhibition or shyness. You may wonder: “Can all this really be for me?”, whereas gut feelings and inner tension are associated with dejection, chore, oppressive responsibility, despondency, apprehension and painful anxiety. If creating slides does not ease feelings of inhibition then what you are experiencing is clearly a negative gut feeling of inner tension. In this case you should be totally honest with yourself and decide whether the goal really is that essential after all