Visualizing the Process
Let us practice this task a little and imagine that your main goal is to get rich. In an attempt to reach this goal you practice visualising a suitcase stuffed full of notes. You do the exercise according to all the rules of the third visualisation type over a relatively long period of time. What will the result be from this practice and when will it show itself? The answer is that there will never be any result. You can practice this exercise every day for the rest of your life and at best you will see suitcases crammed pull of money a little more often, most probably in films. Your chances of finding the treasure or winning the lottery are very slim and who wants to rely on chance? You will wonder why this is, after all, in your thoughts you constantly open the case, take out the money, rearrange the notes, stroke them and all but eat them! If the third type of visualisation is more than just a film what is the problem? And what about that all-powerful outer intention? From the point of view of Transurfing there are two mistakes than undermine the example of visualisation shown above. The first is that your true goal is not really a suitcase filled with money. Money is an attribute, not a means and certainly not a goal. We will talk more about personal goals later. For now we will push ahead. The second mistake is that concentrating attention on the end goal will not move you towards that goal unless you are already just one step away from achieving it. Of course, your comfort zone will be widened and outer intention will gradually take effect but you are not helping it. You have to at least put one foot in front of the other. And yet, the fact that you have to act as well as visualise is not the point here as we are still discussing the practice of visualisation. Until now experience has told you that if you want to achieve something you have to focus all your thoughts and efforts on your goal. Now you have to forget this idea. As I promised in the beginning, Transurfing undoubtedly works but you have to let go of commonly held ideas and embrace new ones that may seem a little incredible from a more conventional standpoint. We will explain how visualisation in Transurfing is fundamentally different to other visualisation techniques. As you know, desire is the concentration of attention on a goal. Intention is the concentration of attention on movement towards the goal. The driving force behind any action is intention and not desire. Hence what moves you towards the goal is to visualise the process of moving towards the goal rather than to contemplate the goal itself. Intention becoming realized is a process, not a fixation on one single frame, although of course, that does not mean that the goal cannot be part of the mental picture. The mental picture of the goal should serve as the background to the central focus which is the process. Visualisation of the process differs from visualisation of the goal in the same way that intention differs from desire. Desire is ineffective. We return once again to the example of lifting your arm. Imagine that you want to raise your arm. First think about the fact that you want to raise your arm and the result of that desire, i.e. the arm in a raised position. Now lift up your arm. At the first stage desire is strong but nothing happens. There is simply a statement of the fact of the desire and a mental picture of the goal — the raised arm. At the second stage intention is in action and continues to take effect for the whole time the arm remains in a raised position. During this process the goal is understood to be the final image towards which one strives but attention must be concentrated specifically on the process of achieving the goal. Finally, to desire something, to imagine oneself at the desired destination is sufficient in the early stages but to progress any further you have to move and carry out a concrete process. These comments might seem trivial but look at the conclusion they prompt us to make: visualisation of your goals is the work of desire which will not bring you a single step closer to your goal. Your visualisation will effectively be a dummy run. In Transurfing the visualisation practice involves imagining a mental picture of the process of moving towards your goal based on the principle that the goal must be reached sooner or later because the power of intention is working. Movement towards the goal does not take place in waking as quickly as it does in dreams but there is tangible movement nonetheless. If you study the chapter “Forward to the Past” you will even learn to see movement along life lines. Whatever you are doing, if it involves a lengthy process, visualising the process will help. This type of visualisation method is particularly helpful in creative work where the end goal may not yet have acquired distinct contours. What should be understood by visualisation of the process in this context? You might be working on a piece of artwork and have an idea of the general qualities you wish the piece to convey but not yet know how exactly it will turn out. When you take a break from your work, imagine that the piece you are creating is constantly improving. Today you complete certain details; tomorrow you plan to add a few new touches. Imagine to yourself that your creation is becoming all the more transformed. You give it ever new qualities and it becomes a work of art in front of your very eyes. You are content; engrossed in the creative process watching your baby grow with you. You will automatically know what to visualise in any situation. The secret is to go beyond contemplating the nature of your piece to imagining the very process of its birth, development and perfection. There is no point in assuming that in your mental picture the creation or artistic piece will paint, sculpt or construct itself. You are the one creating it and the piece will reach its perfection in your hands. An artist creates and admires their work simultaneously. A perfect example of this is how a mother cares for her child when it is growing up. A mother feeds her child, puts it to bed and imagines her tiny tot continuing to grow with each passing day. She takes care of her child at the same time as constantly confirming her admiration of its beauty. The mother plays with her child, constantly giving it instruction. She contemplates her child’s intellectual development anticipating the onset of schooling. As you can see, in relation to her child, the mother is not focusing on an end result so much as simultaneously creating and visualising an ongoing process. The mother does not simply observe her child’s growth. She takes part in it, all the time imagining the child’s development and the kind of person they will become. If what you are creating is a computer program, every day when you finish work imagine that the program is gradually becoming more effective and easier to use and how the next day you will impress everyone with new enhancements. If on the other hand you are working on a business project, imagine that innovative ideas suddenly occur to you and that every day you introduce unique proposals. Observe the growth of your project and give yourself permission to feel assured that it is being transformed into an example of best professional standards. If you are working with your body nourish it, as a mother does her child. Imagine that your body is gradually acquiring perfect form. Look after it, train it and then imagine that you are building more muscle making your body look more toned. Whatever the focus, visualise the process. Visualise the means by which your project will reach completion. Contemplating the end result will expand the limits of your comfort zone and so in this sense it has its value, but visualising the process of moving towards your goal will significantly quicken the work of outer intention. Do not worry if you do not yet know how your goal can be realized. Continue with her child, constantly giving it instruction. She contemplates her child’s intellectual development anticipating the onset of schooling. As you can see, in relation to her child, the mother is not focusing on an end result so much as simultaneously creating and visualising an ongoing process. The mother does not simply observe her child’s growth. She takes part in it, all the time imagining the child’s development and the kind of person they will become. If what you are creating is a computer program, every day when you finish work imagine that the program is gradually becoming more effective and easier to use and how the next day you will impress everyone with new enhancements. If on the other hand you are working on a business project, imagine that innovative ideas suddenly occur to you and that every day you introduce unique proposals. Observe the growth of your project and give yourself permission to feel assured that it is being transformed into an example of best professional standards. If you are working with your body nourish it, as a mother does her child. Imagine that your body is gradually acquiring perfect form. Look after it, train it and then imagine that you are building more muscle making your body look more toned. Whatever the focus, visualize the process. Visualize the means by which your project will reach completion. Contemplating the end result will expand the limits of your comfort zone and so in this sense it has its value, but visualizing the process of moving towards your goal will significantly quicken the work of outer intention. Do not worry if you do not yet know how your goal can be realized. Continue with her child, constantly giving it instruction. She contemplates her child’s intellectual development anticipating the onset of schooling. As you can see, in relation to her child, the mother is not focusing on an end result so much as simultaneously creating and visualising an ongoing process. The mother does not simply observe her child’s growth. She takes part in it, all the time imagining the child’s development and the kind of person they will become. If what you are creating is a computer program, every day when you finish work imagine that the program is gradually becoming more effective and easier to use and how the next day you will impress everyone with new enhancements. If on the other hand you are working on a business project, imagine that innovative ideas suddenly occur to you and that every day you introduce unique proposals. Observe the growth of your project and give yourself permission to feel assured that it is being transformed into an example of best professional standards. If you are working with your body nourish it, as a mother does her child. Imagine that your body is gradually acquiring perfect form. Look after it, train it and then imagine that you are building more muscle making your body look more toned. Whatever the focus, visualize the process. Visualize the means by which your project will reach completion. Contemplating the end result will expand the limits of your comfort zone and so in this sense it has its value, but visualizing the process of moving towards your goal will significantly quicken the work of outer intention. Do not worry if you do not yet know how your goal can be realized. Continue with her child, constantly giving it instruction. She contemplates her child’s intellectual development anticipating the onset of schooling. As you can see, in relation to her child, the mother is not focusing on an end result so much as simultaneously creating and visualizing an ongoing process. The mother does not simply observe her child’s growth. She takes part in it, all the time imagining the child’s development and the kind of person they will become. If what you are creating is a computer program, every day when you finish work imagine that the program is gradually becoming more effective and easier to use and how the next day you will impress everyone with new enhancements. If on the other hand you are working on a business project, imagine that innovative ideas suddenly occur to you and that every day you introduce unique proposals. Observe the growth of your project and give yourself permission to feel assured that it is being transformed into an example of best professional standards. If you are working with your body nourish it, as a mother does her child. Imagine that your body is gradually acquiring perfect form. Look after it, train it and then imagine that you are building more muscle making your body look more toned. Whatever the focus, visualize the process. Visualize the means by which your project will reach completion. Contemplating the end result will expand the limits of your comfort zone and so in this sense it has its value, but visualizing the process of moving towards your goal will significantly quicken the work of outer intention. Do not worry if you do not yet know how your goal can be realized. Continue to visualize your slide calmly and systematically. Once the goal fits easily within the limits of your comfort zone outer intention will present you with a means. There is no need to rush about stressing over how to find a way of achieving your goal. Do away with importance and trust the alternatives flow. Watch the slide; live it and you will automatically take the right type of action. The method does not stop at visualizing the process either. The material realization of the alternatives space is inert, like resin, which is why, unless you have a messiah’s mastery of outer intention, the transition has to occur gradually. Gradually not only means continually but also progressively. Herein lies the secret of another aspect of visualization in Transurfing