Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

4 min readOct 10, 2022


Since where you place your attention is where you place your energy, when you wake up in the morning and immediately start putting your attention and energy on all the people you have to see that day, the places you have to go, the objects you own, and the things you have to do in the three-dimensional world, your energy becomes fractured. All of your creative energy is flowing away from you, to all the things in the outer world that compete for your attention — your cell phone, your laptop, your bank account, your house, your job, your coworkers, your spouse, your kids, your enemies, your pets, your medical conditions, and so on. It is obvious that most people’s attention and energy are directed to their outer material world. It begs the question: How much energy do you have left in your inner world of thoughts and feelings to create a new reality? Consider for a moment that each of these people or things you give so much attention to is a known in your life because you’ve experienced it. As I mentioned earlier in the chapter, you have a neurological network in your brain for each one of those things. Since they are mapped in your brain, you perceive and so experience them from your past. And the more you keep experiencing them, the more automatic and enriched the neural circuits for each of them become because the redundancy of the various experiences keeps assembling and refining more and more circuits. That’s what experience does; it enriches the brain. So you have a neurological network about your boss, a neurological network about money, a neurological network about your partner, a neurological network about your kids, a neurological network for your financial situation, a neurological network for your house, and neurological networks about all your physical-world possessions because you’ve experienced all of those people or things at different times and places. Every person, object, thing, place, or situation in our familiar physical reality has a neurological network assigned to it in our brain and an emotional component connected to it because we’ve experienced all these things. This is how our energy becomes bonded to our past-present reality. Therefore, as you place your attention on all these elements, your energy is flowing away from you and it leaves little energy in your inner world of thoughts and feelings to create something new in your life. If you look at the magnified portions of the figure where the two ovals intersect, these represent how we use different elements in our outer world to reaffirm our emotional addiction. You may use your friends to reaffirm your addiction to suffering, you may use your enemies to reaffirm your addiction to hatred. It begs the question, How much of your creative energy could you be using to design a new destiny? When your attention, and therefore your energy, is divided between all these outer-world objects, people, problems, and issues, there’s no energy left for you to put on your inner world of thoughts and feelings. So there’s no energy left for you to use to create something new. Why? Because how you think and how you feel literally creates your personal reality. Therefore, if you are thinking and feeling equal to everything that you know (that’s the known), you keep reaffirming the same life. In fact, we could say that your personality is no longer creating your personal reality; now your personal reality is creating your personality. Your external environment is controlling your thoughts and feelings. There’s a biological match between your inner world of thoughts and feelings and your outer-world, past-present reality made of people and objects at certain times and places. You are continuously keeping your life the same because you are keeping your attention (thoughts) and your energy (feelings) the same. Finally, if how you think and how you feel broadcasts an electromagnetic signature that influences every area of your life, you are broadcasting the same electromagnetic energy and your life never changes. We could say that your energy is equal to everything in your past-present reality — and you are recreating the past. That’s not the only limitation that occurs, though. When you place all your attention and energy on the outer world and you keep reacting to the same conditions in the same way — in a state of chronic stress, which causes the brain to be in a constant state of arousal — your inner world becomes imbalanced and your brain begins to work inefficiently. And then you become less effective in creating anything at all. In other words, you become a victim of your life instead of the creator of your life



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